Welcome new Clockwork Empire junior bureaucrats

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Wolfram Hatlocke, Sep 18, 2015.

  1. If you are new to Clockwork Empires (per version Alpha 43),

    Let me be the first to say "Welcome!" If you are like me, you would just play the game without instructions and try to figure it out on your own either to bring glory to the Clockwork Empire or to go down in the blaze of steampunk glory (,so Spoiler Alert if you enjoy figuring things out on your own). After testing the waters during my first games, my colonists were starving, because I was too busy enjoying the scenery. While these may sound basic and obvious, here are 3 quick tips have helped me build a stable base to survive the first week and beyond. Again, there is no one set way to succeed, but I hope these can add to your bag of tricks in some small fashion.

    1. Place your stockpile close to where most of your workshops are located - reason: your colonists haul the raw materials to the stockpile first, then a different colonist will carry it to the workshop. For example, a colonist will bring the bushel of cabbage from the farm and place it in a stockpile. Then, a different colonist (usually one assigned to the workshop, the kitchen in this case) will carry it into the kitchen to be processed into delicious cabbage stew.
    2. Start a robust food supply network as soon as possible - reason: Your starting food supply (if any depending on your chosen starting pack) will eventually run out as well as foraged/hunted foodstuffs will dwindle until they are not enough to supply the colony. In most of my starting games, I have plenty of overseers to go this route (and given more overseers the following days for the additional workshops), and as of Alpha 43, other needs such as sleep and madness can be put off until later. Also, better to be ready with extra food handy for when unwanted guests show up (I've had one hungry baby beetle visit in the middle of the evening to eventually decimate an entire row of pumpkins before it was stomped in the morning). For instance, I quickly leveled land for two farms, one for the quick growing cabbage, and a medium grown crop such as pumpkins. Then, I set construction on two kitchens, because this will cut the lag due to hauling/cooking from raw crop to cooked deliciousness for your colonists to enjoy. Note: Per version Alpha 43, the starting stone ovens require planks in their construction, so start a carpentry workshop at about the same time with at least one workbench. Wheat is currently having problems, but I haven't gotten to a point when I can confidently suggest it as a viable foodsource at this time (Will edit this when I get more data).
    3. Set up the beginnings of your colony security system - Build at least one barracks. reason: A barracks is needed to designate an overseer to become your NCO if you lose your first one. You do have some time before bandits set up shop and foreign troop events occur, but it is just easier to set one up and move on to other colony affairs. You usually don't have the luxury of time to build a new barracks once your NCO dies with no replacement. The bandits/foreigners don't seem to run out of bullets for what seems to be an eternity if you don't have the means to defeat them quickly.

    Also, there are YouTube videos of Clockwork Empires playthroughs and the Clockwork Empires wiki available with helpful tips and/or funny comments as well made by seasoned CE veterans.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2015