"Updated My Journal."

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Ablogqwer, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. Ablogqwer

    Ablogqwer Member

    Add a journal that we can jot in-game notes on in the quest section (ideally automatically add magic words we find to it-still have to manually close it and type the words in to enter a portal to maintain possibility of misspellings).

    For an added benefit, allow markers to be placed on the mini-map by players that link back to their journal.
    Bohandas likes this.
  2. Wolg

    Wolg Member

    User interface changes... The Elder Ones themselves recoil in abject terror at the mere thought of trying to modify that section of the code.
    Giygas, GreenZanbato, Kazeto and 5 others like this.
  3. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    This would go nicely with the long-requested feature of minimap annotation. But yes, UI horrors :(
  4. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Alt+Tab. Notepad. Done.
  5. Azhor

    Azhor Member

    If you have a cell phone text yourself the stuff you need to remember. If you have a smart phone make a memo of the stuff you need to remember. OR! I know this is truly far fetched... get a piece of paper and a pen or pencil and... write it down.
    Giygas, Kazeto, Essence and 2 others like this.
  6. Createx

    Createx Member

    You have a screen. Get some permanent marker and use it.
    GreenZanbato, Kazeto and mining like this.
  7. Alistaire

    Alistaire Member

    How I do it:

    1. Take my marking knife and pencil
    2. Draw the outlines of the letters
    3. Cut them out of the table
    4. Take some glue
    5. Glue the letters on the wall
    6. Take my sledgehammer
    7. Crush the wall
    8. Search for the brick with wooden letters on it in the heap of bricks before me
    9. When I find it, scan it in my computer
    10. Paste the scanned image in MSPaint
    11. Draw the contours of the letters over with a pale green airbrush
    12. Save the image, after carefully erasing every color other than green and white with a rectangle selection box with the "fill up" option, preferably with pink
    13. Upload the image to an ASCII-convertor, so it will convert the image into ASCII-art
    14. Post the result on 4Chan and wait for someone to decypher the letters
    15. Pray it's the right code, and paste it in a .txt file
    16. Try the code out in the Pocket Dimension
    17. Diggle Hell, count diggula in first room
    GreenZanbato, Kazeto and mining like this.
  8. Rawk Hawk

    Rawk Hawk Member

    I just shift+Tab and write down stuff in the steam chat window
  9. mining

    mining Member

    best method is as follows:

    Buy a dictaphone. Translate wizard-codes with RSA. Read it into dictaphone. Solve factoring problem (unconfirmed step) in order to re-translate RSA encrypted codes. Make millions. Hire person to record your wizard codes.
    Kazeto likes this.
  10. Createx

    Createx Member

    Looking at the number of copies Dungeons of Dredmor shipped there is definitely a market for Wizardland codes. I sense a startup coming, possibly with cloud technology!
  11. TheKirkUnited

    TheKirkUnited Member

    Personally I find running a text file or (god forbid) a pen and pad to be easy enough for wizard codes and the map to be good enough as is but if you would like to mark stuff on your map, don't finish quests. Keep the quest items and drop them in places of import. Big yellow target. The loss of a quest reward or two shouldn't be that big deal.

    I've suggested before the idea of an item ( such as a flare or chalk or some such) that would serve no other purpose but to leave a marker on the map. You could even have them in several different colors. Maybe creatable by Tourism? 'Paint the Town Red'. Since the code for items as map markers is already there, this shouldn't be to hard to accomplish.
    Kazeto likes this.
  12. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    The same here. But then again I'm not averse to writing a lot (and some people seem to be; how does that work, I have no idea) and for me writing down the codes is just a matter of reaching for a pen/pencil and a sheet of paper with my hand, for which I don't even have to move from my seat.
    Heck, there are times when my computer is only on to play music while I sit in front of it and write something on a sheet of paper. But that is pretty crazy in itself, so I'll end here.
    Azhor and mining like this.
  13. Darkmere

    Darkmere Member

    You know, out of all this, the smallest change for the biggest gain would be a "copy to clipboard" button on the graffiti window. True story.
    Essence likes this.
  14. Wolg

    Wolg Member

    ...would that have a Paste function too?

    If the clipboard was the OS one rather than an in-game scratch one, that sounds like two new buttons/key combinations in the Horrible UI Code, plus the backing code to handle the text get/set to and from the HUIC's widgets, and then some more code to abstract away any clipboard API call differences between the three operating systems Dredmor is built for.

    Potentially not as small a change as it appears... ;)
    TheKirkUnited and mining like this.
  15. Darkmere

    Darkmere Member

    At some point in the whole process, the text string for the graffiti window is... well, just a text string. It has to get IN the window from the generator somehow, and the game does save your progress on all OS's as far as I know (and is thus file I/O capable). Just playing devil's advocate I suppose, but I doubt there's dark rituals and animal sacrifice involved.
    Kazeto likes this.