ALPHA 49 Trade Values and Production Points (for overseers)

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Alavaria, Mar 6, 2016.

  1. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    version 48-B


    Industry just got harder, meaning that trade has become more useful (but trade is still sort of random)

    A few points
    • Mines now generally have clay, sand & coal in them
    • It takes 3 ores and 1 (char)coal to form 1 ingot
      Ugh, so much more mining and hauling. A faraway mine just got 3x more painful
    • It takes 2 ingots to make a plate/pipe
      So... yeah... you went from 2 iron ores per oven/musket to 6.
    • Mineshaft modules only need 3 planks (no more ingots needed)
    • Smithing forges need 2 iron ingots
    • Pistols are need 2 iron ingots

    Like before, there will be some things I tend to recommend. Waste raw materials like clay and sand should be processed (if it increases trade value of the result) and buy stuff that's annoying to obtain or that is out of reach at the moment. :)

    I'll focus on iron (same holds for copper). Trade values:
    • Coal/Charcoal: 60
    • Iron Ore (Hematite): 100
    • Iron Ingots: 550
    • Iron Pipes/Plates: 1020
    Yep, your 360 of raw stuff turns into an ingot worth 550.. but 2 ingots (total 1100) are worth a little more than the plate/pipe they make somehow.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
  2. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    version 48-c

    Let your Antipodea-brand Glass Bottles take the market by storm!

    Ok so sand, you'll get a decent bit from mines, and early on you can just drop a mine anywhere and it will probably give you a decent bit of sand. Sand is incredibly useful, in conjunction with your (probably generally inactive) Ceramics Workshop.

    I would recommend getting your mine up on an iron area unless it's pretty far away.


    Trade Values:
    • Bushel of Sand: 80
    • Glass Panes: 150
    • Crate of Glass Bottles: 60

    The critical part of this venture are the input -> output ratios:
    • 1 Sand (80) -> 4 Glass Panes (600 total)
    • 1 Glass Pane (150) -> 4 Glass Bottles (240 total)

    Now you can compare this with the carpenter:
    • 1 log (50) -> 2 planks (80 each, so 160 total)
    • 1 plank (80) -> 1 standing desk (120)

    Now my Ceramics Workshop is usually pretty early on (right after the kitchen is done, usually). What about the mine? You can make it really nearly on now, with just (2 planks+ 1 stone) for a small layout then 3 planks for a mineshaft module. This might also be useful if there's not much clay nearby.



    2 logs + 1 lacquer (210) -> 2 Lacquered Planks (240 each, so 480 total)

    If you see lacquer for trade just grab it. There's two main things you need lacquered planks for.
    • Chapels use it as a building material
    • The Laboratory needs you to hold 2 of these, but doesn't actually use any
    • Various modules if you feel like making ornate stuff
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2016

    MOOMANiBE Ah, those were the days. Staff Member

    Thanks for reminding me to fix that. 48C will have updated trade values for most/all items. :D
    Tikigod likes this.
  4. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    Not bad, on the one hand:
    3 iron ore + 1 (char)coal of 360 -> 1 iron ingot of 550

    But you now have the amusing
    2 iron ingots (1100) -> 1 iron pipe/plate (360) !!

    MOOMANiBE Ah, those were the days. Staff Member

    Rentahamster and dbaumgart like this.
  6. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    I predict the next one will have a line about iron parts -> ovens or whatnot.

    The biggest change though, is that your iron ovens don't need iron parts to repair, only bricks. This significantly changes estimates for what is needed to sustain your economy.


    Sand -> Glass Panes -> Glass Bottles is still the way to go tradewise, obviously keep some panes around if you want to build but otherwise tons of crates of bottles is a good "currency"

    (outdated trade values removed, see below for updated version)
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2016
  7. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    version 49

    Trade Values and Production Points (Selected Jobs)

    The new trade values as well as the fact that the game's UI is sometimes incorrect about what a job will output mean I took a while to compile the following:


    Congratulations to the Ceramics Workshop and Chemistry Workshop for having some of the best (trade) value added jobs, as well as production point generating jobs.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2016
  8. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    version 49-A

    How to Get Overseers

    So, you've probably seen this:
    But what does this part mean:
    No, really what does it mean? Well....

    from scripts\entity\world.edb:
    What we really want is the size of the "step" ie: how much from one to the next overseer. Well I have you covered thanks to the power of shareable spreadsheets:


    Now the question is what is worth a point? We can refer elsewhere...

    from scripts\events\immigration_middleclass.go:

    There you could check the scripts\entity\commodity.edb, and then try to optimize, but I've got you covered.


    However, as usual, there's a simple way to overseer your way to middle-classdom (22 out of the max 25 on day 24 is where I am at in current colony). There's two main channels.

    Option 1: Glass Production
    • Have a mine (ideally not on a golden pip)
      • This produces coal, clay and sand in equal proportion
      • You only need 1 mineshaft
      • Add decor to make it +6 quality.
      • Look for an overseer who has good naturalism skill, put them in
      • Cram the mine full y giving your overseer 4 lower-class
    • Have a ceramics workshop
      • You need 1 stone ceramics kiln
      • Place large minimum orders for Glass Panes and Glass Bottles
      • You just need 1 overseer. They will skill up pretty fast

    Option 2: Lacquering Planks
    • Don't do this unless you really have planks to spare
    • Get some lacquer, there are two ways I get hold of it:
      • Forage some lacquer trees
      • Trade for it, all traders can potentially hold this. They cost a measly 50 each
    • Get a chemistry workshop
      • You need a glass bottle to make the chemistry workbench, 1 will do
      • Place an order for lacquered planks
      • You only need 1 overseer. This skills up their science, by the way
      • Don't use up all your planks!

    If you do this, keep in mind you can't refuse overseers, and if you want to control your population, having overseers rush you can be trouble you don't need.

    On the other hand, you can generally freeze "production" as you like, so you should be able to exert a good amount of control over how many overseers you have, since you're mostly looking at your ceramics or chemistry workshop.