The Adventures of Dennis Connor

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by RaustBlackDragon, Feb 2, 2012.

  1. AvzinElkein

    AvzinElkein Member

    That's actually pretty sweet, there.

    Dear Dennis,
    Be careful, and don't rush in. Please look and consider your actions before actually taking them; for some weird reason, time pauses when you're not doing any real movement, attacking, etc.​
  2. Thanks. I think I'll incorporate advice like that into the story, except it can't be addressed directly to Dennis. But general advice written by past adventurers sounds great!
  3. AvzinElkein

    AvzinElkein Member

    Oh, fair enough. Does Dennis know about the Uberchests and the Chests of Evil?
  4. Nah, but he'll connect the dots on the latter, and open them from a diagonal. ALWAYS OPEN CHESTS OF EVIL FROM A DIAGONAL.
  5. Lorrelian

    Lorrelian Member

    Actually I almost always open them from directly adjacent and I have yet to die from one.

    I've died from plenty of other things, though.
  6. trust me, once you get one-shotted by a monster immediately after you open the chest, you'll open them from a diagonal from then onward.
  7. Lorrelian

    Lorrelian Member

    I'm really not sure why that hasn't happened yet, to tell the truth. It probably should have. Perhaps because I play so many heavy melee fighters who have gobtons of HP? I can't really say.

    I also don't find that many evil chests. I see maybe one every three or four dungeon levels (including Dwarven Express Posts.)
  8. I added part 2. It's significantly longer than part 1, but that means more reading material per day's entry, so I figured it might be more satisfying for some.
  9. AvzinElkein

    AvzinElkein Member

    To whoever finds this:
    Here's some more advice. If you see a funny-looking root, do not eat it. It will turn your body into a conduit for evil energies, and you probably won't survive the process.​
  10. I already knew that, but dennis sure didn't, so thanks for the tip!
  11. AvzinElkein

    AvzinElkein Member

    Darnit, it's too late to add more stuff, like "Never drink a Radiant Potion next to Brax" and such. Do you need me to clarify "time pauses when you're not doing stuff"?
  12. He got what you were trying to say, he just figured you were delusional. In this story's continuity, it's actually that the monsters all detect things via motion, and can't see you if you don't move.
    brobbeh likes this.
  13. AvzinElkein

    AvzinElkein Member

    Would being dealt Existential Damage make him ponder things and whatnot? Also, each 'piece' of lutefisk is a .02% chance of getting an item, with each 25% (125 lutefisk) being an (additional) enchantment. Any lutefisk over 500 (100%) is just gone, period.
  14. I ALWAYS use 500 lutefisk whenever I go for an artifact.
  15. AvzinElkein

    AvzinElkein Member

    You didn't notice my question.
  16. I suppose, possibly it would, maybe I'll mention that somewhere.
  17. Any feedback on the longer length of part 2? Basically the plan is to compile everything I do in one day into a single part.
  18. Didn't get TOO much done today, but thought I'd post my update anyway.
  19. AvzinElkein

    AvzinElkein Member

    XD It's still pretty awesome, nonetheless. I'm not sure why other people are commenting and such. *shrug*