1.0D Suggestion: Remove Rally Point Button to Bottom Bar

Discussion in 'Design Suggestions' started by KROB5492, Dec 23, 2016.

  1. KROB5492

    KROB5492 Member

    What does everyone think about moving the rally point button (the one that calls soldiers to a particular location) to the bar on the bottom of the screen?

    i.e. next to clear terrain, forage, harvest lumber, mine surface nodes.

    Not sure if it's possible, given that it's currently tied to having a barracks.
  2. Jonta

    Jonta Member

    would be fine, but as you say might not be possible
  3. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    It's certainly possible, because this is exactly how the game used to do it before making rallying barracks-specific
    Exile likes this.
  4. Jonta

    Jonta Member

    In that case i'm voting YES
  5. Regina Absher

    Regina Absher Member

    That would be great, they should also remove the "place decorative plant" cosmetic problem from the rally marker.
  6. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    You shouldn't need more than 10 redcoats sent anywhere, really. Going back to the old system where you rally all your soldiers to one assignment would be a pretty big step back for me, since I tend to maintain a big military to curbstomp any potential trouble.
    Exile likes this.
  7. KROB5492

    KROB5492 Member

    I didn't realize that currently you can rally specific barracks to a particular location.

    What if, whenever you placed a rally point, it only rallied the first "free" barracks? If you needed 10 soldiers in a particular place, you designate two rally points. 3 for 15 soldiers, etc, until you had assigned rally "tasks" to each barracks?

    Assigning a rally point with no "free" barracks would overwrite/remove the oldest rally point.
  8. Kaidelong

    Kaidelong Member

    This is also bad because weapon choice matters. If I am attacking bandits or projecting to intercept some invasion. I might want to actually use those Blunderbusses or Leyden Pistols that I almost never equip otherwise (due to friendly fire concerns).
    Exile likes this.