Room modding: possible to place boss monsters?

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Essence, Jan 17, 2012.

  1. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I've been thinking about starting some room mods, and I have a few good (I think) ideas, but my research has led me to a question I haven't found an answer to: is there any way to summon a "boss" mob in the room code? I know you can summon hordes and individual monsters, but can you trigger a named monster at a specific location?

  2. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Sort of? You can make a unique monster in monDB.xml, name it something, and then force that specific monster to spawn. Like this:

    <monster type="1" subtype="5" name="Common Raven" level="0" tiny="1" splat="blood" taxa="Animal">
        <idleSprite left="mod/sprites/monster/raven/raven_fly_l.xml"
        <attackSprite left="mod/sprites/monster/raven/raven_atk_l.xml"
        <hitSprite left="mod/sprites/monster/raven/raven_hit_l.xml"
        <dieSprite name="mod/sprites/monster/raven/raven_die.xml"/>
        <sfx attack="missile" hit="small_hit" die="falling" spell="small_spell"/>
        <stats numRog="2" xpValue="5" />
            <palette tint="0" />
        <damage piercing="2" />
        <secondarybuff id="6" amount="15"/> <!-- dodge -->
        <secondarybuff id="0" amount="-3"/> <!-- hp -->
        <info latin="(Corvus Corvus)" text="You hear that sometimes these creatures rap at doors, but you find it hard to believe one of them can carry that kind of rhythm."/>
    <monster name="Hellraven" level="1">
        <palette tint="30"/>
        <resistances necromantic="3" conflagratory="3" crushing="2" piercing="1" slashing="1"/>
        <stats numFig="2" numRog="2" xpValue="10"/>
        <damage piercing="2" conflagratory="1" necromantic="1"/>
        <secondarybuff id="6" amount="15"/> <!-- dodge -->
        <secondarybuff id="0" amount="5"/> <!-- hp -->
        <info latin="(Corvus Infernus)" text="It's just a raven...FROM HELL!"/>
            <ai aggressiveness="5" span="5" chicken="0" spellPercentage="10"/>
            <spell name="Corpse Drain"/>
    <monster name="Raven Lord" level="2">
        <palette tint="80"/>
        <resistances necromantic="3" conflagratory="3" toxic="3" crushing="2" piercing="1" slashing="1"/>
        <stats numFig="3" numRog="3" xpValue="20"/>
        <damage piercing="2" conflagratory="2" necromantic="1" toxic="1" />
        <secondarybuff id="6" amount="25"/> <!-- dodge -->
        <secondarybuff id="0" amount="10"/> <!-- hp -->
        <info latin="(Corvus Rex)" text="...And Caw, the king of all ravens, was lonely and wanted to be where someone loved him best of all..."/>
            <ai aggressiveness="5" span="5" chicken="0" spellPercentage="20"/>
            <spell name="Unholy Warcry"/>
            <spell name="Corpse Drain"/>
            <onhit spell="Throwing Buffalo Technique" onechancein="5" />
    <room width="30" height="7" name="Raven Roost">
      <row text="          ###########         "/>
      <row text="   ########3......4########   "/>
      <row text="####2.....................5###"/>
      <row text="d............................d"/>
      <row text="#.1....8..............7....6.#"/>
      <row text="#.......##############.......#"/>
      <row text="####D####            ####D####"/>
      <flags special="1" nomonsters="1" notraps="1" noblockers="1" notreasure="1" minLevel="1" maxLevel="1"/>
      <customblocker name="Fire Bowl" x="1" y="4" png="mod/dungeon/fire_bowl.xml" description="The light gutters lowly."/>
      <customblocker name="Fire Bowl" x="28" y="4" png="mod/dungeon/fire_bowl.xml" description="The light gutters lowly."/>
      <customblocker name="Stone Bowl" x="9" y="3" png="mod/dungeon/stone_bowl.xml" description="There's some leftover birdseed in here..."/>
      <customblocker name="Stone Bowl" x="19" y="3" png="mod/dungeon/stone_bowl.xml" description="There's some leftover birdseed in here..."/>
      <loot type="artifact" x="14" y="3"/>
      <customengraving name="Candles" at="1" percent="60" pngSprite="mod/dungeon/candles_floor_sw/candles_floor_sw" pngFirst="0" pngNum="3" pngRate="150" passable="1" pngAnimate="1" description="The candles flicker in a draft." can_push="0" />
      <customengraving name="Candles" at="2" percent="60" pngSprite="mod/dungeon/candles_floor_nw/candles_floor_nw" pngFirst="0" pngNum="3" pngRate="150" passable="1" pngAnimate="1" description="The candles flicker in a draft." can_push="0"/>
      <customengraving name="Candles" at="3" percent="60" pngSprite="mod/dungeon/candles_floor_nw/candles_floor_nw" pngFirst="0" pngNum="3" pngRate="150" passable="1" pngAnimate="1" description="The candles flicker in a draft." can_push="0"/>
      <customengraving name="Candles" at="4" percent="60" pngSprite="mod/dungeon/candles_floor_ne/candles_floor_ne" pngFirst="0" pngNum="3" pngRate="150" passable="1" pngAnimate="1" description="The candles flicker in a draft." can_push="0" />
      <customengraving name="Candles" at="5" percent="60" pngSprite="mod/dungeon/candles_floor_ne/candles_floor_ne" pngFirst="0" pngNum="3" pngRate="150" passable="1" pngAnimate="1" description="The candles flicker in a draft." can_push="0"/>
      <customengraving name="Candles" at="6" percent="60" pngSprite="mod/dungeon/candles_floor_se/candles_floor_se" pngFirst="0" pngNum="3" pngRate="150" passable="1" pngAnimate="1" description="The candles flicker in a draft." can_push="0"/>
      <customengraving name="Candles" at="7" percent="60" pngSprite="mod/dungeon/candles_floor_sw/candles_floor_sw" pngFirst="0" pngNum="3" pngRate="150" passable="1" pngAnimate="1" description="The candles flicker in a draft." can_push="0"/>
      <customengraving name="Candles" at="8" percent="60" pngSprite="mod/dungeon/candles_floor_se/candles_floor_se" pngFirst="0" pngNum="3" pngRate="150" passable="1" pngAnimate="1" description="The candles flicker in a draft." can_push="0"/>
      <horde x="3" y="3" name="Common Raven" min="3" additional="2"/>
      <horde x="25" y="3" name="Common Raven" min="3" additional="2"/>
      <monster x="15" y="1" name="Raven Lord"/>
      <horde x="15" y="2" name="Hellraven" min="3" additional="2"/>