Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Nicholas, Feb 3, 2015.

  1. Kiojan

    Kiojan Member

    Yeah, unless bandits are intended to be tougher than the average footsoldier or some bizarre set of coincidences weakened my military (all soldiers injured early on by falling crates and my NCO/soldiers had horrible traits) I'm going to have to conclude that bandits are overpowered now. I got raided by a 2 man bandit group just as day 1 ended. I had a bandit square off against a footsoldier with a rifle who a) got off a single shot before the bandit got in range and b) hadn't fired a single shot up until this point and therefore was fully-supplied. The two exchanged gunfire. I counted four shots on the bandit, five or more on the soldier. Then, the soldier fled, having been badly wounded. The next raid, around three individuals, had similar outcomes. Basically, the revolvers' no reload time (I believe that's what's happening, anyways) gives the bandits a major advantage AND they seem to suck up bullets like they are nothing AND are less prone to fleeing now. Bear in mind this was a standard bandit, not an armored one. The fortifications help a little, but since gunfire can pass through walls now they really don't make much difference.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2015
  2. Wolg

    Wolg Member

    Will try this build shortly. The main problem I had with the previous one was how reloading and melee attacks seemed to get in each other's way, will see how it goes this time.
  3. jack nory

    jack nory Member

    Just a couple observations from my 20 day play through,

    Colonists or Soldiers that die close to bandit camps will launch a fleet of burial jobs for other colonists. This is dangerous if the camps still have bandits waltzing around.

    Occasionally a colonist running away from a fish person will run towards the edge of the map and die instead of turning towards the direction of civilization

    Bandits are much more difficult as I have sent 3 to 4, 4 man squads to clear them out only to be beaten down. Its a full scale war here with causalities that the empire won't be happy with

    I found a new cultist cabbage plant clawbulb.jpg

    The new fog of war doesn't hide weapons or items the bandits / fish people are holding - which gives the game a new eerie feel.

    Upon loading the save, 3 zombies rose from their grave only to stare ominously towards the direction of the ocean.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 4, 2015
  4. Rahbek23

    Rahbek23 Member

    A new thing I discovered: Multiple crops opcuppying the same space! 2015-02-04_00003.jpg 2015-02-04_00004.jpg 2015-02-04_00005.jpg

    Also this little nice noticfication thing is probably not meant to say "building complete":

    I also observed that soldiers running to shoot at something that are euqipped with pistols/spine guns tend to get stuck for a little while before attacking. In chasing scenarios they often end up stutter stepping like a mad mad.

    Like other people I have also oberved lots of running away in a random direction to die, and subsequebntly people trying to bury them. A large problem when it's bandits they have been chasing, as bandits don't cut them up and eat them, nullifying the burial job.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2015
  5. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Multiple crops in one tile:
    It seems to be just Clawbulbs + other crops; looking into it under OC-2781.

    Office overseer death says "Building Complete":
    Ah! Minor text fix, got it.

    Bandit/fishperson reloading:
    Not hooked up for them yet. That'll be OC-2785.
  6. Rahbek23

    Rahbek23 Member

    At my first screenshot you can see two maize in the same place. However I cannot guarantee if there hasn't been a clawbulb that has since been removed :)
  7. Rahbek23

    Rahbek23 Member

    I am now doing my by far longest playthrough I have ever had ( Day 32! ) and I like it! It has been ridiculously bloody game... Here's a few screenshots of my colony!

    2015-02-05_00005.jpg 2015-02-05_00006.jpg 2015-02-05_00007.jpg

    Issues that I have, that I have not yet mentioned, but that I'm not aware if they're known bugs:

    1) "Stop farming" does not work.

    2) Disassemble gabions doesn't either

    3) Level terrain job marker not removeable, though the job is nowhere in the queue. So it didn't remove itself and I can't. Possibly associated with reloading.

    4) These two things. Number one is self-explanatory, while number 2 is basically that the icon has nothing to do with what the actual input to the shop is. (It doesn't look like that ingame, it's a yellow clumb)

    5) Still a work crew stuck with the mine. They go about their bussiness just fine when assigned to the mine, but later I cannot reassign them and actually get them to work. It will keep being "mining in mineshaft" as job description. (See pic) Unavngivet.png

    6) The "number of idle workcrews" is definitely kinda fucked. Goes over the limit all the time with ie right now it's 17/10 (ok this one has been tangentially mentioned)

    7) Doors can be built where an module from another building joins the wall of the building you're building the door against. Since other buildings, uneven terrain or stockpiles prevent you from doing so, I guess this is not intended.

    8) Soldiers continually dropping a piece of wood for gabion assembly while under fire, and then picking it up again. Like once a second... SOmetimes they'd snap out and actually run for their weapon, but could take 10+ tries.

    9) Missing game sounds. I have music, but zero in game sounds.

    10) Module "needs repair" sign gone after reload. Seems to be purely visual as they are still in my job queue.

    11) Also the arsenal uses sulfur instead of sulfur fertilizer to make gunpowder, though the icon says sulfur fertilizer.

    12) If a module breaks and requires brass cogs, it will shows up as requires brass_cogs.

    13) The spinning mule was used while it was broken and/or there was still a repair icon on top. The guy didn't give a **** :p (It was broken, I saw someone come along an repair it later)

    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% THIS IS MAYBE NOT A BUG - JURY STILL OUT

    14) I tried to create combat supplies, and I was confused as to why i could not make it work. I finally checked the files and realised that they require bolt of cloth which is not seen in game. My game unfortunately crashed several times when I tried to create enough cloth bolts to finish current repairs and module building, so see if thereason was simply that I did not have cloth lying around. ANYWAY it should be shown that these require a bolt of cloth ingame (unless it's not intended, or that I have missinterpreted the game files).

    I will try to test this again next time I play.


    Other comments:

    1) Fuel is very sparse and sometimes my production grind completely to a halt. Especially because they seemed very reluctant to make charcoal despite plenty of wood

    2) Would be really nice to be able to remove skeletons and fishman weapons. IT get's kinda messy after a while. Epsecially in such a bloody game.

    3) My gabion walls are mostly contructed to keep my absurdly retarded citizens away from running to god knows where before my soldiers can interfere. They don't actually keep out fishmen very much.

    4) Food is definitely a little easy to come by now. After the initial shortage it's never an issue with only 2 farms. To be fair I lose a lot of villagers all the damn time.

    5) I love the fog of war mechanic, though a slight upgrade of vision radius would be nice. like 20-25% more than now.

    6) Performance is ok, but at around 40 it begins beeing just a little less snappy on my machine. Not "I cannot play this game any more", but very noticeable.

    7) I saved and loaded this save a whole bunch of times wth few issues other than a few spooky skeletons and such.

    Edit: I also managed to build another farm on top of my clawbulb infested farm that my people never removed. so I was trying to find some space and to my surprise managed to build on top of my already existing one. This might be due to repeated attempts at stopping to farm? 2015-02-06_00001.jpg

    Final Edit; My game died. On game day 41 (I think) I got a runtime error. Oh well, was certainly a way longer streak than normal :D
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2015
    Samut likes this.
  8. wargarurumon

    wargarurumon Member

    it seems that demolishing building still does nothing except removing planned modules/decorations, the buildings are still there
  9. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Looking into this, it may have gotten broken somewhere along the way.
  10. Rahbek23

    Rahbek23 Member

    Sorry for making such a long post. While I finally tried to narrow down what mightbe wrong with the gunpowder I realised 1 thing.

    I had a unfinished upper class bed that might have "eaten" my cloth bolts. But before I could test my theory I had first a crash (.dmp), and then a script error upon reloading (screenshot). Everything in this post and the previous huge post can be found in e attached replay. Also attached a pic of the runtime error I got multiple times. I hope these two long posts can help solve some issues in this amazing game! :D


    runtime error.png

    Attached Files:

  11. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    That is... one heck of a colony.


    (Okay, I see I have bugs to fix.)
    Rahbek23 likes this.
  12. TurboTodd

    TurboTodd Member

    So have some stuff for the current build, running a bit better now but still tends to crash after about 8-10 days. Good news is most of the time I can reload a save to advance the game. Bad news is last game I tried the app crashed during the save and the save is unloadable.

    So as for bugs, I've included the broken save and a save that shows soldiers being unable to attack a fish man who's underwater. This lead to most of my troops being wiped out on day 1!!

    On a related note, I saw that bandit and fishmen spawns were adjusted. The one thing I can say is fish men tend to wander into my colony that aren't part of a raid. Makes keeping the populace productive and working difficult!

    Hard for me to beat Rahbek23 notes, most of the issues he's reporting I'm seeing as well.

    This is all on OS X if that is of any help.

    Good bug hunting!

    p.s. files are at the link...
  13. Kiojan

    Kiojan Member

    Just finished one of the most satisfying, smoothest, and least buggy sessions of Clockwork empires I've ever played on my brand spanking new Radeon R9 270 graphics card (yes Steampunk enthusiasts, it has fans).

    This time I dealt with the bandits mostly by giving into their demands while fighting back against the fishpeople. My prestige suffered, of course, but I managed to keep it high enough to take advantage of some of the better favors. Fortifications are useful a) for discouraging witless colonists from wandering away and b) steering fishpeople and other hostiles into landmines.

    I'm not sure why no one has mentioned this yet, but colonists drink booze again and vicars occasionally preach and colonists occasionally listen! More importantly, the colonist bio window now tells you their overall mood! Very useful.

    The constant raids by fishpeople (and bandits, on the rare occasion I decided to fight them) took a heavy toll on my footsoldiers and colonists. The unhappy thoughts generated from battle and, to a lesser extant, seeing weird stuff started to outweight the happy thoughts generated by cooked meals, sleeping, making friends, etc. after around two weeks. Every soldier was fearful or sad and trending towards cult-y thoughts, influencing the citizens who were themselves starting to get pretty depressed. I built a brewery and chapel but I got the impression it was too little, too late, and my gardens were crawling with Clawbulbs.

    Either the influence of unhappy/happy thoughts need re-balancing (or raids/wandering baddies need to be less frequent) or providing a steady supply of booze and/or prayers early on is critical to the success of your colony. I'll try another colony, this time building a brewery and working chapel ASAP and see if this helps...

    My NCO, for some reason, refused to restock even when there were plenty of combat supplies available. He had the 'doomed trait' so I'm not sure if this is a bug or a personality defect.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2015
  14. TurboTodd

    TurboTodd Member

    Seeing Kiojan's comments reminds me, has reporting for cult-positive behavior been changed? I use to be able to suss out the cultists by looking for "enjoyed talking about modern cults" memories. Now I'm seeing lots of "problem of modern cults" memories and I'm not able to id the cultists from the general pop. any more.

    Also could we get a "request a vicar" in the prestige rewards? Right now it's a crapshoot getting one with immigration. Not sure if it'll help keep the cultists under control but can't hurt :)
  15. Rahbek23

    Rahbek23 Member

    Well uh I did find few yeah ;) Happy fixing!

    Also definitely something up with long pork/colonists eating habits. I just observed 2 colonists run out a few screens distance to get long pork with the job "eat food" while there was lots of raw food available in th stockpile, though no cooked food. They both died horribly.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2015
  16. Kiojan

    Kiojan Member

    On the subject of eating habits, I've noticed that colonists are oddly reluctant to consume preserved food (i.e. Lingonberry Preserves, Black Fungus Preserves). I've seen colonists consume raw flour when there were plenty (around a dozen) crates of preserves lying around. Cooked food IS supposed to be preferred over raw, yes?

    I set up a brewery early on in my colony and started producing beer and whisky as soon as the first harvest of wheat came in. It didn't help. After a couple of weeks around 90% of my colonists were fearful or sad and clawbulb was sprouting up everywhere. The problem is fishman raids and wandering fishmen harassment is more or less daily and all those negative thoughts, whether from combat or simply witnessing fishmen, rapidly add up. Booze isn't enough, and given that vicars don't preach very often I doubt a chapel would help. Bear in mind I capitulated to EVERY bandit raid except one (and it cost me two soldiers even though I outnumbered them 2-to-1), so things would have been even worse if I had tried to fight back against them as well. My conclusion is that it is currently almost impossible to keep colonists happy (particularly the military) because they are constantly under siege and the negative memories are too many.

    Also, artifact research is currently bugged. Pretty sure this has already been reported, but yeah, no point in constructing laboratories in this build (35B).
  17. Kiojan

    Kiojan Member

    Extremely impressive particularly since you built it in New Sogwood. I tried it once in 35B and, well, it was ridiculous. Pretty much my entire military got decimated by chasing after wandering fishmen or chasing after wandering fishmen who were chasing after colonists over to the other side of the map after five days. I've also noticed a bug where soldiers carrying lumber to build fortifications sometimes 'stutter' rapidly dropping and picking up the logs when attempting to attack something nearby. I understand New Sogwood is supposed to be 'hard mode' but it's really just a matter of luck - how many wandering fishmen stumble onto your camp. There's nothing you can do about it apart from trying to limit the distance your colonists travel.
  18. Rahbek23

    Rahbek23 Member

    Trust me when I said I probably lost 50+colonists. I dipped down at 7 at a point, before finally beginning to turn it around. IT's all about the 5 prestige where you can get whole squads to save the day. But yeah, it was also a good amount of luck! ;)
  19. Kiojan

    Kiojan Member

    The problem is that you either have to deal with bandits, which is very difficult given that they're overpowered right now, or lose some goods and a point of prestige every time they raid, which is pretty much daily. Hopefully things will be better once fishpeople and bandits are balanced again, i.e. they actually have to load their guns.

    Personally, I think raids should be rarer, but more dangerous. Wandering fishpeople should be toned down a bit in New Antipodea (maybe restrict them to around the ocean?) It's OK for New Sogwood since the place is supposed to be a more dangerous, difficult place to set up a colony.

    EDIT: I take back what I said about New Sogwood. It's currently ridiculous.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2015
  20. Rahbek23

    Rahbek23 Member

    I agree that especially wandering fishmen is a bit too much. You don't get 5 seconds of peace... When playing I didn't surrender to bandits once and actually didn't have many problems with them as they often die for free trying to steal stuff instead of fighting. I do agree however that taking on bandits in their camp for instance is super hard, so basically they can only be fought when their ai goes derp... Which is not a great thing. I don't think the bandits are too bad overall, but maybe cut down their damage a bit but then make them actually fight your soldiers.

    Also wandering fishmen are ok, but as long as the flee to civilization job is not working properly then they're too much early on. I would like to see if it was more easy to handle if I didn't lose half my colony in the first 5 minutes by sheer ai retardation. Though as a general thought I think there's to many wandering ones.