Reading about Rogue-like games and sneering at it with my builds

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by ElJefe, May 28, 2014.

  1. ElJefe

    ElJefe Member

    You know,

    All i want is to make cool builds. I want to get max skills and do cool things. I am learning about how I am not supposed to clear all zoos and all characters on a level. I dont know why. I want to be able to and so am nearing the end of 10th level and have wiped every monster from 1-10. even looked for more new regenning monsters to get some extra experience.

    haldurson says i shouldnt do this. But this is fun. also making odd synergy builds is fun too. i dont see why i cant do that either.

  2. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    If you enjoy playing that way, go for it. :)

    I like to kill every monster on a level and find all of the treats before I go to the next as well.
    ElJefe likes this.
  3. Wolg

    Wolg Member

    Exploring each room on a floor and finishing all encountered zoos is my play policy as well.
    ElJefe likes this.
  4. ElJefe

    ElJefe Member

    haha cool :)
  5. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    I was the one who told him that he didn't have to kill everything or clear a floor. I didn't mean that he shouldn't, just that sometimes running away is the better part of winning. Hasn't anyone ever suddenly come to the conclusion that they might not survive their next zoo on levels 12 or 13 or deeper? I know I have. And I've actually won the game after that (not every time, but I have). Although I knew this before from playing other roguelikes, you do not HAVE to clear every floor. Sometimes I'm happy enough just reaching the next staircase. And I know I'm not the only one who rushes through those levels when that happens, judging by other people's posts.

    I never meant what I said to mean that you should NOT clear levels or do quests. All I was saying is that sometimes (not always) it's a good alternative to dying.
  6. ElJefe

    ElJefe Member

    hmmmm.... ok. i see that. the bloodshed and mayhem is too tastey though.... i guess if i increased my bow skills earlier i could have made powerful bolts and maybe some encrusts and gone after dredmor. that is true.