Questions for a Mod I'm Designing

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Rarefied Horse Meat, Jan 11, 2012.

  1. Hello! I've been brewing a theme in my head, but I want to make sure I get the technical details correct as well. Answers to the following questions would help me:

    1 - Are there already too many existing crit chance skills? I was going to have some of the skills add either slashing damage or crits - preferably crit if that design space isn't already too full.

    2 - Is it possible to reactively proc a skill on being hit by spells, or magic damage?

    3 - Can I turn slain monsters of a specific type (e.g. Demons) into booze?
  2. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    So, to have a little random fun now:

    Re:1: You can create a skill tree that grants critical hit bonus, and the worst thing that could happen is that it would have to be slightly nerfed; while critical right now is quite a valuable bonus, I think it won't take long for critical hits to be decreased in brokenness, after which it'll be just another bonus you can get to further specialise.

    Re:2: Right now, no, for all I know. But it's possible that the developers are working on adding it and we'll see it after one of the updates, as I think there was something like that in the modding request thread.

    Re:3: Why yes, you can. Take a look at the Big Game Hunter skill "Butcher" - it gives you a slight chance to drop one out of many various items when you kill an animal monster. Creating a skill that would work on a different monster taxa, have a different drop chance, and drop something else, takes a few minutes.
  3. Very cool. Having just done a little testing with Werediggle form, I think I'm ready for a couple hours in Notepad++ squinting at variables! And maybe play a quick level or two with BGH to see it in action.
  4. Just to doublecheck, am I doing this right? Not counting the missing icons ofc.

    <ability name="Make the Food Stop Talking" icon="..." skill="45" level="0">
    <description text="placeholder" />
    <ability name="Distill Enemy" icon= "..."  skill="45" level="1">
      <description text="You have mastered the ancient art of instantly fermenting whatever you touch, which mystically converts chunks of your enemies into semi-palatable booze." />
      <targetHitEffectBuff percentage="18" name="FermentA" taxa="Animal" />
      <targetHitEffectBuff percentage="18" name="FermentV" taxa="Vegetable" />
      <targetHitEffectBuff percentage="18" name="FermentU" taxa="Undead" />
    <spell name="FermentA" type="target" icon="skills/chemical_explosion32.png" wand="0">
        <effect type="damage"  putrefying="4"/>
        <!-- spawn booze -->
      <effect type="spawnitemfromlist">
        <option name="Sewer Brew"/>
        <description text="AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA." />
        <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/mystic_missile/mystic_missile" frames="4" framerate="90"  centerEffect="0" sfx="magic" />
    <spell name="FermentV" type="target" icon="skills/chemical_explosion32.png" wand="0">
        <effect type="damage"  putrefying="4"/>
        <!-- spawn booze -->
      <effect type="spawnitemfromlist">
        <option name="Dr. Sanin's New-style Pilsner"/>
        <description text="VVVVVVVVVVVVVV." />
        <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/mystic_missile/mystic_missile" frames="4" framerate="90"  centerEffect="0" sfx="magic" />
    <spell name="FermentU" type="target" icon="skills/chemical_explosion32.png" wand="0">
        <effect type="damage" putrefying="4"/>
        <!-- spawn booze -->
      <effect type="spawnitemfromlist">
        <option name="Dwarven Gut Rot"/>
        <description text="UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU." />
        <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/mystic_missile/mystic_missile" frames="4" framerate="90"  centerEffect="0" sfx="magic" />
  5. ChristmasAsen

    ChristmasAsen Member

    <ability name="Distill Enemy" icon= "..." skill="45" level="1"> <description text="You have mastered the ancient art of instantly fermenting whatever you touch, which mystically converts chunks of your enemies into semi-palatable booze." /> <targetHitEffectBuff percentage="18" name="FermentA" taxa="Animal" /> <targetHitEffectBuff percentage="18" name="FermentV" taxa="Vegetable" /> <targetHitEffectBuff percentage="18" name="FermentU" taxa="Undead" /> </ability>
    Oh jesus, I STILL haven't been able to get my multi-taxa skill to work.
    Other then missing the start and lvl 0 ability, everything seems in order.
  6. The first 4 skills are ready... or should be, at any rate. XML syntax checks out, but the game crashes to a black screen after the mod loader. Any ideas?

    DISREGARD, fix'd! Skills now being tested; stay tuned.

    Edit: Disregard previous disregard. The game boots now (yay!) but no skill icons are visible, and it's not possible to raise the skill when I hit level 2.

    Edit Squared: Disregard the request to disregard the disregard request. ChristmasAsen is a seriously puissant Q&A type who finds hidden things in hidden places.
  7. ChristmasAsen

    ChristmasAsen Member

    So after screwing around with it a bit, I got it to load. I think the problem was "0.1" instead of "0.0.1" in the mod.xml
    Welp, never mind XP
  8. Almost ready for public beta! Asen diagnosed my mod to have a severe case of Wordy Descriptions, such that the game wouldn't load the descriptions OR the skills themselves. Now i just need to figure out why the 4th skill (a self-buff) doesn't show up as a spell the player can cast, and things will be all working, if not yet rigorously tested.

    Can anyone see a problem here?
    <ability name="For Medicinal Use" icon="mod/skills/warrior/gourmand4_64.png" skill="78" level="3">
      <spell name="Expanded Mind"/>
      <description text="You bake dungeon flora into delicious desserts that make you feel like a magic monkey. You nibble on them constantly."/>
    <spell name="Expanded Mind" type="self" icon="mod/skills/warrior/gourmand4_32.png" wand="0">
        <requirements mp="10" savvyBonus="0.25" mincost="4" />
        <!-- <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/voltaic_hit/voltaic_hit" frames="8" framerate="80" sfx="magic_steel" centerEffect="1" /> -->
        <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/smokepuffA/smokepuffA" frames="8" sfx="radiant" framerate="60" centerEffect="1"/>
        <buff useTimer="0" removable="1" manaUpkeep="6" allowstacking="0" icon="mod/skills/warrior/gourmand4_64.png" smallicon="mod/skills/warrior/gourmand4_32.png">
            <halo name="sprites/sfx/radiance_loop/radiance_loop" first="0" num="4" frameRate="100" />
            <sightbuff amount="1" />
            <secondarybuff id="10" amount="2" /> <!-- armor -->
            <secondarybuff id="11" amount="4"/> <!-- resist -->
            <resistbuff existential="4" />
       <description text="You’ve baked a delicious, delirious dessert. Requires some mana to keep the magic flowing." />
       <ai hint="buff"/>
  9. ChristmasAsen

    ChristmasAsen Member

    where is </spell>?
  10. Er. I didn't post it, for some reason, but it's in there along with AI Hint and Description Text. Fixin' poast nao.
  11. ChristmasAsen

    ChristmasAsen Member

    Well I literally just copypasted the code and change the picture and it worked.
    This leads me to believe that the problem lies in one of three places:
    Somewhere in

    <description text="You’ve baked a delicious, delirious dessert. Requires some mana to keep the magic flowing." /> <ai hint="buff"/>"

    Because I did not add this bit and instead ended the spell.

    If I remember correctly, I also removed wand="0" so it is either that or the picture (which I find unlikely)
    icon="mod/skills/warrior/gourmand4_32.png" wand="0"

    Actually, now that I think about it, it could very easily be another case of lengthy descriptions... Hmm, imma load it up again and change it variable one by one to the problem oust itself.

    EDIT: So my initial hunch was correct and upon removing your description text, the skill worked as intended. Why does description text hate you so much?
  12. Ok, here's the current version. Skills 1-3 work fine. Skill 4 appears, has a visible description, and can be chosen on levelup, but does not work. Note its description is a bit shorter than some of the other skills' description. Wand=0 (or 1) is part of every skill I've seen, so I don't think that's the problem; similarly, ai hint is tagged onto all existing sustained mana-using spells.

    But hey, if deleting one of those inexplicably fixes the problem, awesome!

    Attached Files:

  13. ChristmasAsen

    ChristmasAsen Member

    <ability name="For Medicinal Use" icon="skills/doc64.png" skill="2828" level="0">
    <spell name="Expanded Mind"/>
    <description text="You bake dungeon flora into delicious desserts that make you feel like a magic monkey. You nibble on them constantly."/>

    <spell name="Expanded Mind" type="self" icon="skills/spells/fenrirhowl32.png" wand="0">
    <requirements mp="10" savvyBonus="0.25" mincost="4" />
    <!-- <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/voltaic_hit/voltaic_hit" frames="8" framerate="80" sfx="magic_steel" centerEffect="1" /> -->
    <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/smokepuffA/smokepuffA" frames="8" sfx="radiant" framerate="60" centerEffect="1"/>
    <buff useTimer="0" removable="1" manaUpkeep="6" allowstacking="0" icon="skills/spells/fenrirhowl64.png" smallicon="skills/spells/fenrirhowl32.png">
    <halo name="sprites/sfx/radiance_loop/radiance_loop" first="0" num="4" frameRate="100" />
    <sightbuff amount="1" />
    <secondarybuff id="10" amount="2" /> <!-- armor -->
    <secondarybuff id="11" amount="4"/> <!-- resist -->
    <resistbuff existential="4" />

    Works perfectly fine. Just have to change back the skill id, skill level, and icons.
  14. I think it's my icon, somehow. Using berserker rage icons instead works. :confused:
  15. ChristmasAsen

    ChristmasAsen Member

    Might be the numbers in the icon names, that's my guess
  16. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Well, your icons are listed as "gourmand", but your mod is listed as "gormand". Sure they're spelled the same?