Monsters Teleporting Away Randomly

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by BMandFighter, Jun 29, 2012.

  1. BMandFighter

    BMandFighter Member

    So I'm playing a character with a few modded skills selected, and during this run monsters that should not be teleporting normally are at times getting ported to a random location when they hit me in melee.

    My build is: Ley Lines, Archaeology, Emomancy, Radiant Wizard, Archmage, Self-Righteous Aspirant, and Meteorology.

    Anybody with knowledge of these skills have an idea of what's going on? Dredmorpedia has failed me in this regard (for the first time! It's been awesome for everything else).

    Also, a second question. The Archmage first skill (Elemental Archmagic) says it can have 4 different effects, but the only one I've ever seen is the reflective obsidian one. I've clicked on myself, on the baddies, on empty ground, in multiple directions, its the same every time. How does that skill work?
  2. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    I think it's Radiant Wizard, but as I never played a mostly-wizard character, I have no idea if I'm right there.

    And Archmagic's effect depends on where you point it relative to you, not only on what you point it at. As far as I recall, the air effect should trigger if you point it t baddies, water effect if you point it at corpses, and the other two only trigger depending on relative location of the targeted tile compared to yours (the earth effect has a rook pattern, and the fire effect has a knight pattern).
    OmniNegro likes this.
  3. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    It is Radiant Wizard that does it. Here is part of the code used.

    <spell name="Nebulous Energies" type="self" icon="skills/superlight_dragon32.png">
        <description text="Unstable energies swirl around you, warping reality where they pass."/>
        <buff useTimer="1" time="32" stacksize="1" self="1"  icon="skills/superlight_dragon64.png" smallicon="skills/superlight_dragon32.png" >         
            <effect type="dot" resistable="0" percent="100" spell="Energetic Aura" amount="32"/>
            <effect type="trigger" spell="Reality Vortex"/>
    <!-- Creates a damaging and stunning aura while in EDF. -->
    <spell name="Energetic Aura" type="template" templateID="13" anchored="1" icon="skills/spells/blinding_light32.png" wand="1" >
        <description text="Damage and stun aura." />
        <effect type="damage" righteous="9" righteousF="0.3" />
        <effect type="paralyze" turns="2" self="0" resistable="0" percent="66" />
        <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/impact_divine/impact_divine" frames="4" framerate="120" centerEffect="0" sfx="magic_damage" />
    <!-- Mine that creates the mine that causes displacement. -->
    <spell name="Reality Vortex" type="template" templateID="20"
          minePermanent="1" >
        <effect type="paralyze" turns="5" self="0" resistable="0" percent="100" />
        <effect type="trigger" percent="100" spell="Unstable Locus"/>
        <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/voltaic_hit/voltaic_hit" frames="6" framerate="60" sfx="elec" />
    <!--Actual displacement mine. -->
    <spell name="Unstable Locus" type="targetfloor" icon="skills/spells/divine_inscription32.png"
          mineSpritePNGRate="100" >
      <effect type="trigger" spell="Love Will Teleport Us Apart" amount="0" />
      <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/divine_hit/divine_hit" frames="8" framerate="80" sfx="rune_set" centerEffect="0"/>
      <description text="The actual mine that does the teleportation work."/>
        <ai hint="mine" />
  4. BMandFighter

    BMandFighter Member

    Thanks for you help so far guys.

    I'm having trouble understanding that code. Is it saying that I'm casting a spell that puts a teleportation mine down? Or that just by walking around I'm dropping these mines? I'm only at lvl 2 of radiant wizard right now.
  5. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    I think you should not get that effect until much later in RW. What equipment do you have? Anything that may have a special effect?
  6. BMandFighter

    BMandFighter Member

    The only out of the ordinary equip I have is a stylish top hat that I've kronged a couple of times. There aren't any krong effects on it that would do it I think.

    Like I said, it's only happening when I get hit for the moment, so I guess right now it's dropping the port mines right on the baddies when they hit me and later on it will just drop them randomly after I level Radiant Wizard a bit more.

    At any rate, I like it when it happens since I am SUPER squishy.
  7. lccorp2

    lccorp2 Member

    Stylish top hat causes on chance teleport on hit.

    The description should have given it away - "one, two, three, switch places!" or something like that.

    Teleportation mines from RW should only appear when you activate Transcendence.
    BMandFighter and OmniNegro like this.