Windows Vista/7 64-bit Levelup twice?

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Godwin, Dec 20, 2011.

  1. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    I just levelupped twice!
    I am kinda drunk, but I'm pretty sure it's not a lack of attention or loss of minutes on my part.

    I really leveled twice right after each other.

    I had started a new character for the diggle nog. Took Wandcrafting, Tinkering, Smithing, Alchemy, Fungal Arts, Burglary and Thrown Weapons.

    I went around my merry way, and upon one time, early in the dungeon, I encountered like 6 Lil Batties. I threw a Poison bottle at them, a few died and I leveled up (first levelup). Chose the Throw Monster skill. Then immediately after I leveled again (chose Peltast). I am pretty sure those 7 Lil Batties didn't give enough xp to level twice, besides, they didn't all die yet.


    I am pretty drunk... so sorry for any weird texts while posting, but the core message can be taken as if it were posted soberly.

    Savegame created by stopping to play (permadeath) and uploaded here :)
    (oh yeah, this problem... I cannot upload .sav files... weird! Well, if you want, please post how then?)
  2. I had this happen to me also.
  3. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    I have sent the savegame to the email address.
  4. Nick

    Nick Member

    I had this 1 time before.
    I think that's because for example, if for level up you need 2000 exp and you have right now 1900, and next level up is 2500 exp -> you get 1000 exp at one round(could be from It belongs in a museum skills or many splash kills) -> 2 levels at the same time since you reached cap of 2000 and 2500 with one shot.

    But it should be like: 1900 +1000 = 2000 = 0
    Then you need to collect of course 2500 to level up again.
  5. Velorien

    Velorien Member

    I'm pretty sure I had this happen to me under circumstances where I couldn't have had enough XP from one kill to hit two caps, yet I definitely leveled up twice in a row.
  6. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    Yeah it most certainly wasn't from getting that much xp in one go in this case.
  7. BadBeat

    BadBeat Member

    One thing I've noticed that didn't register with me until I read this, but when I level up, for a moment, the xp bar looks mostly full, as though all the xp you had in the current level was placed on the bar for the xp required for the next level. So it wouldn't surprise me if this is exactly what's happening.

    But, tbh, the way it's supposed to work now needs fixing. If you're 100 off the cap and you get 1000, the leftover 900 really should go towards the next level, not be just lost. It's most noticable when using "It belongs in a museum" while in "No time to grind" mode. Then, it's actually very hard *not* to lose 1000's of xp from artifacts, which is pretty irritating.
  8. blob

    blob Member

    I ve noticed that too and found it strange. I wanted to play around with that but havent had time yet.

    For the case above, I remember someone in another thread having several levels up as well (something like 4 or 5) and the conditions were similar in one aspect: he had raised levels when he had killed several ennemies at the same time in a single turn. ( Someone raised the idea the level up event could have been started for each kill in the level up turn)
  9. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    I killed 4 Lil Battys, not even in NTtG, and leveled from 1 to 3.
  10. blob

    blob Member

    Man, gotta keep a squid bolt for that ultimate level up in a monster zoo... :D