Has anyone ever? (Airship flyover favour)

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Retrospecialist, Aug 9, 2015.

  1. Used the ' request a flypast' option on the request a favour pop up? I only ever use the request redcoats (mostly) criminals ( in the first few days) and surveyor ( once or twice a game.) Although the request food might get used more now that farms and kitchens have changed the way they operate. By kitchens I mean that chefs now watch what is being cooked instead of going to get more food for another oven.
  2. I do, but it's unreliable and doesn't trigger 40% of the time
  3. Wolg

    Wolg Member

    Odd. This doesn't match my observations...
  4. I doubt I'll ever choose that option until the minimap is functional.
  5. It seems to happen all the time in 41E for me. They put something on to cook and stand around with arms folded waiting for it to cook.
  6. Samut

    Samut Member

    I did it once; it worked well enough, although you have to manually follow the path as the survey airship travels overhead. Once nice thing is that besides revealing terrain, while the airship is directly overhead something such as bandits, fishpeople etc., they are also revealed.
  7. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Ugh, defined north and south as the same edge in the event. Alright, just fixed this for the next version!

    Edit: Just put the name of the event in the thread topic so we know what this is about.
  8. That's good, I find aerial flyover extremely helpful. Except on New Sogwood where I CAN'T SEE BENEATH THE TREES.
  9. Tikigod

    Tikigod Member

    Don't really see the point in the option now.

    If I want to explore a specific area then the explore order works much better, and if I want general map reveal I just call in a naturalist who naturally explores the map with the added benefit of producing mineral reports at the same time.
  10. berkstin

    berkstin Member

    WHen it works correctly the aerial recon can be helpful EARLY in the game as a way to find shipwrecks or cargo to salvage.
  11. Tikigod

    Tikigod Member

    I suppose, but with naturalists being part of the same request options and lasting 3 days of uninterrupted free exploration starting at your colony outwards with the added bonus of mineralogical reports for the last couple of major revisions it's struck me that the aerial recon is comparatively a waste of prestige.
  12. I agree with Tikigod here. With the other explore options available I just don't use the airship so it's interesting to see that others do use it. I thought it might be redundant but obviously not.