Happy Birthday, Clockwork Empires!

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Samut, Aug 15, 2015.

  1. Samut

    Samut Member

    One year ago today, Clockwork Empires was released into Early Access on Steam. Here's to a year of:
    • An exciting premise!
    • Unique game play!
    • Lot of hilarious bugs! Headless people! Animated skeletons! Ghost buildings! Dorian Gray Portraits!
    • Weekly blog articles!
    • A lot of crashing!
    • Monthly public builds (sometimes followed by more crashing, but often less crashing)!
    • Colonists starving to death whilst knee-deep in cabbage!
    • Fishpeople!
    • Bandits!
    • Creepy flying stone monsters!
    • Cults!
    • Giant Beetle attacks!
    • Madness!
    • Old-timey axe murder!
    • And more, more, more!
    Clockwork Empires is, hands down, the most interesting computer game I've seen, let alone had the pleasure to contribute to as a fan.

    After a year of Early Access, to see it upgraded to Alpha status is encouraging, in that it suggests not only that Gaslamp continues to be committed to this project, but also recognizes that for all the cool stuff we've seen, this is just the tip of the iceberg, with much more cruise ship-sinking goodness below. I can't wait to see what the next year has in store.

    And look! Your neighbors have brought something!

    Happy Birthday CE.png




    "You said 'for'. It should be 'of'."

    "... NOBODY HERE."

    "They all ran out the back."




    Daynab, DaCrAzYmOfO, mrclint and 2 others like this.
  2. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    Happy birthday! Interesting trivia, Aug. 12 is actually my real-life birthday, and I purchased Gaslamp Games last year, during Earliest Access, as sort of an early birthday present to myself. Following the game's development and reading the Dev Blogs and submitting feedback and actually playing the game has given this investment a stellar cost-to-time ratio. Not to mention motivating me enough to make my first every YouTube videos (now up to 64 videos and almost 300 subscribers, what, how did that happen?), tinker with the Official wiki, and prompt me to dust off my rusty digital painting skills and supplies. An excellent first year, and here's to many happy returns (although I do hope development does not take many more years).

    *edit* That picture is awesome, Samut!
    Daynab and Rentahamster like this.
  3. Samut

    Samut Member

    ...and Happy Birthday again! Two years in Early Access!
  4. Unforked

    Unforked Member

    Happy Birthday! Two years, and I still can't get enough.

    I remember when all it took was a little idle chit chat to spawn a cult that spread like wildfire. Colonists transforming into Obeliskians everywhere, shrines popping up all over, and constant murderous knifings/axings. I fell in love.
  5. Noratoxin

    Noratoxin Member

    Happy Birthday!

    I fell in love with the insane hordes of fishpeople. Oh caviar.
  6. Happy Birthday! and PLEASE REMOVE ELDRITH EVENT.. its ruining my games
  7. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    *crying noises*
    Rentahamster likes this.
  8. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    Wow! I didn't know you owned us ;)
    Happy belated birthday as well!
  9. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    Huh, I probably meant to say I'd purchased my personal copy of Clockwork Empires when I wrote that, a year ago. Amusing that nobody noticed until now. ;)

    Thanks for the birthday wishes!
  10. Rentahamster

    Rentahamster Member

    I noticed, but I thought it looked amusing that way :p
  11. Samut

    Samut Member

    Those are happy tears, right? I bet they're happy tears.
  12. Samut

    Samut Member

    Revisiting this thread reminds me that I never posted the improved version of the birthday greeting. I did most of this last October and then made one more fix in April but never uploaded it here because laziness.

    Happy 1st Birthday CE 20160416.png