Forum Section Suggestions (Stories & Gravestones)

Discussion in 'Feedback & Suggestions' started by Jack Burton, Sep 20, 2011.

  1. Jack Burton

    Jack Burton Member

    I´m not sure how much interest people have in that kind of stuff but 2 suggestions:

    DoD Story Section:

    I would love to read some DoD stories and I don´t mean real life DoD stories (even if those might be interesting too ;)), I mean game stories with screenshots and thoughts of the player, like the civilization stories. Maybe connected to some kind of contest every month or quarter.

    Would also be a great way to introduce new players to the game or help them indirectly, because you can always say that particular skill is just OP, but if they can read a story with screenshots and thoughts they´ll maybe understand better how some things work.

    Gravestone/Score Section:

    A section of the forum where you can post your final screenshot of the game and maybe add some thoughts.

    Maybe those two suggestions could be combined in some way.
    LonePaladin likes this.
  2. LonePaladin

    LonePaladin Member

    I've actually been considering trying my hand at writing some fiction, turn a play-through into a full narrative with extra background thrown in. So I'll look at collecting screenies to accompany it.
    Jack Burton likes this.
  3. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    (By the way, is there anything that we as game creators can do to assist you guys in constructing narratives? I guess a replay ability would be ideal, but that'd be a rather huge feature - anything smaller/fun? More gravestone info and stats would probably be cool 'eh -- maybe show items and skills taken. Hmm ... )
  4. Vykk Draygo

    Vykk Draygo Member

    I'd like this, and I'm not even interested in constructing narratives. :D
  5. Jack Burton

    Jack Burton Member


    These are (at least) two different kinds of stories and I would love to read both.

    1. A gameplay story with what you did, why and when + screenshots and other stuff you like to add (more based on game mechanics / strategy / tactic)

    2. A narrative story of your game with backround infos added or a complete history, some would call this RPG ;) (more based on your own imagination and fantasy)


    I would love to see a "more detailed" gravestone, with stuff like monsters killed, crits, healing, walking distance, time spend, doors opened, trap stuff, dmg at all, highest dmg (lowest) and so on, everything thats seems to have absolutely no sense in showing it would be greatly appreciated too :)
  6. kuhchung

    kuhchung Member

    I remember reading before on Diablo II forums how people would make offbeat hardcore builds and just narrate how they played it. It was entertaining enough. I imagine it takes a lot of time to actually do.
  7. LonePaladin

    LonePaladin Member

    Maybe some sort of log generated behind the scenes. Have it look for key events -- levels gained, use of anvils/shrines/etc. Defeating specific creatures -- any named creature, and the tough-for-the-level uniques. Acquiring artifacts.

    Basically, add a flag to really notable events. If this option's on (leave it off by default), these events append a text file that notes when/where/what.
    IanExMachina likes this.
  8. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    I agree with this. If I remember right, Nethack has something similar when you die or complete a game, and Crawl too I think. Then there's Dwarf Fortress Legends mode which is insane (but what about DF is NOT insane? :p)
  9. deek

    deek Controller of Bits Staff Member

    I'm sold. I'll add a Stories or Fan Fiction section later tonight.
    Jack Burton likes this.
  10. LonePaladin

    LonePaladin Member

    Thanks. Once I'm done with my current game and start a fresh one, I'm going to see about writing a story around it.
  11. Jack Burton

    Jack Burton Member

    Thanks, I´m really looking forward to read them.

    EDIT: I´m not sure if it should be "only" called "Fan Fiction" because if someone wants to write a non narrative playthrough (more game focused) that maybe puts him off this section.

    Die fast ;)
  12. deek

    deek Controller of Bits Staff Member

    Changed to Stories & Fan Fiction. If this still doesn't fit start a poll and we can name it that.
    Jack Burton likes this.
  13. Jack Burton

    Jack Burton Member

    I think it´s perfect now, thank you for reconsidering the name :)
  14. I'd really like a link on the gravestones that would show you a replay of the last 10-15 moves in a characters life!