Dredmor Patch 1.0.11 Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by Nicholas, Jun 5, 2012.

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  1. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Since some people will not be patient and will not look for themselves...
    1.0.10 Astrology
    <spell name="The Stars Aligned" type="template" templateID="100" anchored="1" icon="skills/spells/stars_aligned32.png" wand="1">
      <requirements mp="40" savvyBonus="0.30" mincost="6" />
      <effect type="damage" aethereal="28" aetherealF="0.65"/>
      <effect type="paralyze" amount="2" turns="5" self="0" />
      <effect type="bleed" />
      <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/celestial_hit/celestial_hit" frames="8" sfx="magic_damage" framerate="80"  centerEffect="1"/>
      <description text="With the stars aligned just so, terrible celestial energies are unleashed upon all around you."/>
      <!-- add some zalgo crap here? -->
    1.0.11 Astrology.
    <spell name="The Stars Aligned" type="template" templateID="100" anchored="1" icon="skills/spells/stars_aligned32.png" wand="1">
      <requirements mp="40" savvyBonus="0.30" mincost="6" />
      <effect type="damage" aethereal="28" aetherealF="0.71"/>
      <effect type="paralyze" amount="2" turns="5" self="0" />
      <effect type="bleed" />
      <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/celestial_hit/celestial_hit" frames="8" sfx="magic_damage" framerate="80"  centerEffect="1"/>
      <description text="With the stars aligned just so, terrible celestial energies are unleashed upon all around you."/>
      <!-- add some zalgo crap here? -->
    That seems the only change.
  2. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Syzygy was differentiated a bit from Mark of the Black Eyeliner. I also made a "Minor Syzygy" effect to go with the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster so it didn't infringe upon Astrology's turf so much (and stacking the two effects will be pretty good, I imagine).

    Astrology basically got buffed in general.
    Exile likes this.
  3. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member


    Hittable has two descendants: Monster and Player. Monster has one descendant, a special class containing shopkeeper code.
    Exile likes this.
  4. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Is it intended that not Dritz gives 10 counter now? :eek:
    Because that pretty much makes dual wielding the best damn skill ever.
    Combine that with sword dual-wielding, and a good not super heavy armor, and you're a God in melee.
  5. wRAR

    wRAR Member

    I've just stepped in a mysterious portal on lv3 and the game crashed.
  6. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    Known bug, just not known what exactly is causing it. Look in your games exe directory for a dump file. If you have one, upload it. They are working on it.
  7. Kaoschan

    Kaoschan Member

    Another Item which has negativ resistances but the tooltip is not displaying them:
    A darkly mirror shield

    And there are still items which can't get enchanted but given out as quest rewards .. like plague doctors mask, trepwood helm.

    Either remove them from the rewardlist or make them enchantable (didn't you want to make them that way a long time ago?)

    There are 2 Cruelly plastic bolts.
    One named Cruely and the other Cruelly - both are 100% identical in terms of xml code therefor we got a duplicate thing ^^
    MeisterGlanz and OmniNegro like this.
  8. Musaab

    Musaab Member

    Please, if possible, fix the UI element z-level issue where descriptions and such get hidden behind items such as a recipe. Thanks :)
  9. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    I posted something similar a few days ago-- monster corpse descriptions override items and traps on the ground, which can be a problem in a zoo.
  10. Is the Essence of Battle being impossible to cancel and therefore essentially draining one mana per turn until your mana runs out a feature or a bug?
  11. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    It is intended. As for a feature or bug, that is debatable. I would say an intentional bug.
  12. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Or rather, an intentional annoyance that is supposed to make you think twice before using the skill.
  13. Foxhack

    Foxhack Member

  14. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    Putting the the item you took back should make him go back to his normal position. He won't chase you as long as you don't leave the "shop" area with any stolen items in your inventory.
  15. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    Yeah, the upper part behind the door is part of the shop. You need to pick up something so that he will move so that you can go up there. As long as you don't leave the shop by teleporting or digging or something, you will be fine.
  16. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    Just got a CTD when I got a quest reward :(

    edit: another weird bug. My game suddenly froze up in the middle of a "move" action. Was moving to the right the same turn that a Villain Gnome (seen in the middle of below screenshot) was dying.

    The Villain Gnome froze in a frame of his death animation. The other monsters seen had their usual idle animation. My player character was stuck moving right perpetually, until a minute passed-- then I was standing there with the idle animation (texting/playing on DS).

    Couldn't move, change skills, or use any keyboard input. Mouse input didn't work either...could only kill Dredmor with task manager.


    Before my game froze up, I had just finished a monster zoo and was exploring nearby. I sent the zoo reward for XP. Also noticed that several times, some monsters in the distance had stepped on a trap and died to explosions.

    Also-- Tentacular Infestation bolt no longer does anything to the player when other enemies step on it, BUT for 1-2 turns after, it shows up in your debuffs. :confused:
  17. Null

    Null Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Well it's not all that bad, at least you killed dredmor.
    BDSb, Foxhack, wRAR and 6 others like this.
  18. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    Same freezing/no input bug just happened to me again, this time in a monster zoo :confused:

    Quest reward crash seems to happen about 40% of the time.
  19. Archos

    Archos Member

    Well, here i am with another strange bug.

    I got a necklace, and noticed that I retained some attributes from it for a turn, after equiping and removing it. Those bonus indeed counted after removing, affecting my attack and such. Dunno what caused this, but here some screenshots (in order):

    Before equiping it:

    After equiping:

    After removing (look how I maintain those attack bonus):

    Attacking without the necklace, lightning bonus counted even with necklace on backpack:

    As the screenshots shows, it's retained only for a turn. I don't know if this is stackable with others necklaces, but it seems to be a problem with it, specificly (it don't happen with that book, for example).

    Also, there's somewhere where I can easily check reported/known bugs, without searching it all over the forum everytime? I saw that sheet on bug session, but it don't seems to be very complete.
  20. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    It happens with necklaces and possibly rings, it's an old bug Archos.

    But thanks.
    Archos likes this.
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