Donation support for Gaslamp and the mod community?

Discussion in 'Feedback & Suggestions' started by Safezor, Jun 22, 2012.

  1. Safezor

    Safezor Member

    apologies if this has been covered before... I didnt search the forums.

    In light of DoD having steam workshop, and the buzz it has caused on the DoD steam forum I believe having the ability to donate to your favourite mod developers (You know who you all are! <3 ) and to Gaslamp itself... Perhaps by setting up a similar system as the indie bundles have done. Minimum buy can be three bucks, however allow people the ability to donate more if they wish.

    Let's face it... we want DoD 3D... and we want it... BEFORE YOUR NEXT COFFEE BREAK :D

    Much love,

  2. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    We're not actually a charity, and as such don't need donations. If you want to show your support beyond just buying Dredmor and the expansion packs, you have two options:
    1. Buy Dredmor for your friends. You know they want it.
    2. T-Shirts! has our Stuff on it somewhere. There will, at some point, also be Diggle Merch.
    If, in particular, you enjoyed the Free Expansion Pack and want to show your appreciation, please donate some money to FaxCelestis's Huntington's Disease walk here: - it seems like Huntington's Research is the Gaslamp charity of choice these days, although I keep thinking that we should do something to contribute to some of the social support groups that work on Vancouver's Downtown East Side near our office.
  3. Musaab

    Musaab Member

    Tell us more about Diggle Merch.
  4. Safezor

    Safezor Member

    omfg... T SHIRTS!

    I just found my new drinking shirt... I can be diggling everyday now!
    Kazeto likes this.