Decent into the Dungeon (IC Thread)

Discussion in 'RPGs' started by Dyrynify, Oct 25, 2011.

  1. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    Dragore watches the creature collapse.
    "Huh... that all you got? After the whole emptying of the tavern I was expecting more, somehow.
    I sure hope that doesn't mean I am destined to fight boring fights the rest of my life." A slight mocking grin appears briefly.

    He turns to the other three.
    "Thank you. It is not often that strangers come to the aid of one such as me. Now let's see what that was, aren't you all curious?"

    He waits a little if needed so that the tentacles are gone and then walks towards the creature, he examines it a bit, and tries to remember if he's heard or seen similar creatures before [knowledge roll?].
  2. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    It will be straight intelligence. (d20+3=9) You have no idea what this is.

    Also, so you can start keeping track, 250 XP for everyone.
  3. LonePaladin

    LonePaladin Member

    "Wouldn't be surprised to find out it was the ol' woman the whole time. Lady had so much magic on 'er, it was drippin' on the floor." Swig approaches the beast, giving it an appraising look, then looks back to Berz. "Hey. Big guy. Think you can flip this sucker over?"

    [I'll see if I can ID it.]
  4. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    (d20+4=11) You have heard faint rumors of a celestial creature from a Lawful Good plane similar to this one. You are not sure, but it is the only thing you can think of that even looks like this.
  5. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    Swig and Rantic notice that the creature is wearing red leather pants with a belt and a sack on its back. It was carrying a greatsword.
  6. "Ha. That was nothing. Looks like I nicked him pretty good in the eye."
    Hort reloads his crossbow and straps it to his back. He then walked towards the other two standing next to the corpse.

    "So uhhh, what are we going to do with this body?"
    Hort examines the body to see if he can identify it
  7. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    (Lucky! d20+4=24) You know this is a Hound Archon. They are lawful good outsiders, and come from another plane of existence. The frequently come to the material plane to hunt down evildoers, or those who they view as having wronged them. Hort now sees the sack on its back.
  8. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Berz flips the corpse over, and picks up the greatsword. "Don't miind if I do. So, uhh...what the hell is it? And why didn't you guys let me have any fun? Are there more?" Berz glances toward the door hopefully.

    Knowledge check: would Berz have any particular reason to think that this was anything other than a plain old greatsword?
  9. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    (Surprising. d20+0=19.)You know it is a hound archon, and that they are crazy magical, so it might be.
  10. "Well from what I gather, this is what you would call an outsider from the plain of Lawful Good. This particular creature is known as a Hound Archon. They're usually sent to this plain to hunt down evildoers, or those who have wronged them."
    Hort looks towards Rantic
    "You don't seem the evil type. Maybe when he was summoned here by the old lady, he thought YOU had summoned him, and it enraged him."
    Hort walks to the corpse and grabs the bag
    "I wonder what's in here."
    Hort opens the bag
  11. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    A random assortment of gear. Mostly adventuring stuff. No changes of clothing(gross). Torches, rope, rations things like that. A smaller pouch that has some gems in it. The gems are 4 rubies. A pair of gloves. A rapier. A ten foot ladder. (Wha?) A small canoe. (Huh?) A 20 pound anvil. (What kinda bag is this...)
  12. LonePaladin

    LonePaladin Member

    Swig comes from around the bar with a full tankard in hand, and a full tankard in hand. Upon seeing Hort remove a ten-foot length of wood from the bag, he sets one of the mugs on a flat surface. "Huh. Lookin' like dere might be some useful stuff in there. Tell ya what. Let's stash this stuff somewhere safe. First ting t'morrow I'll see if'n dere's anything magic-like in there. If'n dere is, I can figger out what's it doin', but that's a bit pricey -- takes a good-sized pearl. After that, I say we see if'n this fortune-telling whatsits might come in handy.

    "I was a'plannin' on goin' down that crypt t'morrow, score some loot. Y'all game?" He spits in his palm, then offers it for a handshake.
  13. "Well that's not something you see every day"
    (Int check or gather information for my character to figure out what the bag is?)
  14. "I sure am good sir!"
    Hort spits on his palm and shakes Swig's hand
    "There's also some OTHER nifty equipment in here too. I don't know if it's magical or not."
  15. LonePaladin

    LonePaladin Member

    "I can check all that first ting in the mornin'. Dwarf's honor. 'Course, ya don't take their word on somethin' like a door hinge workin' right, but sniffin' magic's doable. Anyway, who's with us?"
  16. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    "Make you a deal. I keep the sword, and I get first pick of any non-alcoholic drinkables that we happen across, and I'm in.

    Oh, and whores. I get first pick of those, too."
  17. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    Dragore lets the others talk for a bit, they seem a funny lot.
    He arches one eyebrows at Hort's remark that he doesn't look evil, genuinely surprised that either the dwarf hasn't heard of Drow, or that he actually looked past the usual prejudices about Drow.

    "Let's get a few things straight.
    This 'Hound Archon' as it's apparently called, was coming straight for me. I am indeed not evil. I am... different, in more ways than one... from your run-in-mill Lloth-lover.
    You three were kind enough to help me, so indeed I will let you have the sword, Berz, if no one else wants it.
    The rest of the spoils will also be divided among us. I may give my share to the rest of you, depending on whether there's something that really interests me, but I doubt there will be.
    I suggest we'll keep the stuff here in the inn, and Swig here", he nods to the dwarf, "can identify it tomorrow. If there's damages to be paid," Dragore looks around the inn, "I suggest we pay them from these spoils."

    "I suppose we're all here because we've heard the tales about this place, and I can see benefit in us teaming together, for now. So let's. If everyone agrees?"
  18. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    "Sweet. I'm headed into a death-hole with a self-important svartalf, a drunken furfaced wizard and..."

    Berz stares at Hort for a moment.

    "...what the hell are you, anyway, a sniper? Some wanna-be commando type? Are you going to go all shock-and-awe and end up limp-wristed and useless after half a day in the hole like these two? Or do you have some staying power?

    "I'm no professional about the underground," Berz glances at Dragore, "like I assume he is -- but I'm pretty damn sure that we're not going to make it far without at least a vague idea of what to expect from one another. Am I gonna spend the next few days holding big malignant critters' attention so all three of you can stand back and try not to shoot me in the spine with your licorice sticks and mechanical snotflingers? 'Cause if that's the case, I'll go drop off a load of plat and buy some more flasks of betterness-in-a-bottle up front."
  19. Hort turns to Berz
    "I'm more than just a sniper! I'm a jack of many trades! I can open locks, disable traps as well as find them, and I'm quite acrobatic if I don't say so myself. My adventures have taken me many places and led me to kill all kinds off different monsters before. I fear no 'death-hole' as you would call it. I was going to go down there myself even. I think we could make a strong team with all of us here though."
  20. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    "Oh...ok. Do you, you know, stab? Or just shoot?"