Decent into the Dungeon (IC Thread)

Discussion in 'RPGs' started by Dyrynify, Oct 25, 2011.

  1. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    Basically, how far are you from the door and what side are you on?
  2. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    [I am 1 square to the right of where Centi 7 was, 12,5 feet from the easternmost wall, 17,5 feet to the right of the eastern edge of the door. Also, I am facing the door and glued to the Southern wall (at this present moment, at floor level (just in case you need more coördinates :p))]
  3. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    and edge, as in edge of the door. Where door meets wall.
  4. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    [WAIT! I am standing... I am standing on floor level >_<]
    Wi§p and Dyrynify like this.
  5. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    Still needing positions. Heres that I have now.
  6. (I'm 5 feet from Rantic to his left on the map)
  7. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

  8. blob

    blob Member

    [Torma is 15 feet to the west (left) of Rantic.]
  9. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    I'm right in front of the door, about to open it. :)
  10. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    Does this look good?
    Essence likes this.
  11. Looks good to me
  12. blob

    blob Member

    [Swig previously mentionned he wasnt equipped for up front combat, so he d probably like to be a bit more to the west. Otherwise good]
  13. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    (We will move him in post.:D)

    Suddenly, the door opens and Berz is staring a very large, very red demon in the face. He yells over his shoulder, "Hey, boss, I don't see any ghouls, but I did find some customers." The other voice shouts back, "Well, bring them here, you fool!" The demon steps to the side and motions to a door on the west side of the room. "After you!"
  14. (Hort, being suspicious of this giant red demon, attempts to sense its motive (+4))
  15. Dyrynify

    Dyrynify Member

    No deception.
  16. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    "Hrm...well, an angel did try to kill me yesterday. I suppose that's no stranger than a demon offering to sell me something." Berz walks through the door.
  17. blob

    blob Member

    Torma looks, surprised, at the other adventurers, wondering if they're accustomed to this kind of thing.
    " Well why dont you go ahead Demon, and we follow you ? "
  18. "Customers you say? What is there to buy down here?"
  19. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    "Are you a Hound Archon?"
  20. blob

    blob Member

    " And what's your name ? Why are you red, are you too hot ? "