Linux 32-bit CTD in a wizardland for no apparent reason

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Ghira, Aug 31, 2012.

  1. Ghira

    Ghira Member

    I've had CTD when going up levels or when using portals before but this happened when in
    wizardland Sapnusizakwa while nothing in particular seemed to be happening. My save
    vanished but an earlier autosave still worked.

    Not sure what other information I can provide.
  2. Ghira

    Ghira Member

    I _was_ still getting messages about a fight between my zomby and some monster back on DL1. I don't even think those
    were delayed messages, but they could have been. There's no problem with a pet dying in the real world while you're
    in another dimension, is there?
  3. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    That's...very strange.
  4. Ghira

    Ghira Member

    Maybe they were just delayed messages. Sometimes the combat messages refer to things from ages ago. I imagined
    i was all caught up in this game but I was still getting zomby vs something messages when in the wizardland
    so I wondered if the fight was still going on. Should I return from wizardland and pocket dimension to find my pets
    just as they were in mid-combat?