Ancestry skills

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Kaoy, Aug 12, 2011.

  1. Kaoy

    Kaoy Member

    I would like to see a new category of skills called the 'Ancestry Skill Pools'. At character creation, in addition to your seven skills, you take one Ancestry Skill. Upon selecting an ancestry at character creation, you also select one skill from a pool of 5 or 6 skills that will provide passive stat boosts, passive boons, active skills, or triggered abilities much like a normal skill tree. Unlike the skill trees though, these pulls allow you to pick any skill you want from them, but you can only take ones from your ancestry and only one at character creation, and every level divisible by 4(or 5) there after.

    Now, the reason I suggest 'ancestry' as opposed to 'races' is because of the difficulty altering the characters model would pose in this game. With ancestry, it can just be said some where way back in the characters family, there was one kooky relative that saw fit to mate with an ogre, a dragon. or even one them pointy-eared tree-hugger types. No visible change would be necessarily, just like someone can be 1/16 Native American and not look a drop of it. Also, this is with the understanding that Vampire isn't a race, but an affliction. Anyone can become a Vampire, but no one can simply become one-eighth-felinoid or one-thirty-second-merman.

    As an example allow me to provide a rough draft of what the Dragon Ancestry Skill Pool might look like:

    Skill name: Hoarder

    Description: Your dragon blood boils at the thought of something not being yours. Your desire to hoard even the most inane, useless, pointless, completely trivial and unnecessary bauble has made you highly adept at storing every ridiculous thing you see.

    Effect: Your backback is expanded by one row.
    Skill name: Transparent Scales

    Description: Your whole body is covered in scales so clear even you can't see them! Too bad they catch on your clothes from time to time, though.

    Effect: +2 Armour Absorption, +3 Block, +2 resistance to Conflagatory, Hyperborean, Voltaic, and Acidic damage types, -3 dodge(due to getting stuck on your clothes and making it hard to move).
    Skill name: Actual Dragon's Breath

    Description: Promethean's are just posers.

    Effect: Active skill which functions like Dragon's Breath, but with one square increased range, non-decreasing damage, and does not set the floor on fire. Power is based on level, not magic power, no mana cost but has a 20 turn cooldown.
    Skill name: 'Hey Drah!!!'

    Description: Little known fact: Dragons are heavily near-sighted. By getting in touch with your inner-dragon you have started to blend in with your ancestral brethren.

    Effect: Dragons won't attack you from range. They will still detect, approach, and attack you as normal, though.

    Skill name: Dragon Sense Tingling!

    Description: Dragons can hear gold pieces clinking together from miles away. Your dragon blood allows you to sense where ever gold might be moving in large quantities.

    Effect: All shops reveal themselves on the map.

    These are just some rough ideas I had thought of while playing. Please feel free to criticize, critique, or add to this suggestion.
  2. IanExMachina

    IanExMachina Member

    Diggle Ancestry!

    1st ability:
    Digglecious - Diggle eggs provide more turns of healing. +1 Savvy

    2nd Ability:
    Ain't sayin' you're a gold diggler - Midas Potion castable buff. 20 turn recharge

    3rd Ability:
    Diggle Dood! - You create some throwing bombs in the shape of a diggle. (Disgaea reference in flavour text.) +2 aim +1 Savvy 40turn recharge

    4th Ability:
    Eau D' iggle - You cover yourself in diggle pheromones causing confusion in the attackers. (Creates a confusion gas cloud around you on use.) Recovery time 20turns. +1 to sneak +1 Evade

    5th Ability.
    Can you diggle it? - Learning from the diggles you can target a wall next to your character and destroy it. Recharge time 50 tuns. +2 Burly +1 Savvy (destroys walls in much the same way as the Golemancy skill or the WMD Crossbow bolt, but you have to be standing next to a wall to destroy it.)
  3. Kaoy

    Kaoy Member

    @IanEXMachina I like some of those, but those CDs are all really low for the power of the skill. If that confusion gas is like the Odious Puffball, that's a really powerful attack. A couple of these don't make sense though. Why would a diggle get stronger through cannibalism? Why can diggles summon gold? Why can they summon bombs?

    I do like the idea of diggle skills though. How about crafting them around the various abilities of the various types of diggles?
  4. IanExMachina

    IanExMachina Member

    Yeah the cooldowns/stats are just guesses.

    Also yeah basing them on actual kinds of diggles might be better.
    The last digging skill makes sense still as they have drill noses.
  5. Kaoy

    Kaoy Member

    How about something like laying eggs, so you can make more omelettes?

    Maybe a melee attack proc that poisons the enemy, causing it decent Putrefying damage over time, but giving you a permanent max-LP debuff, in honor of the Sickly Diggle?

    The Angry Diggle skill could be a short burst of rage. Maybe a 10 turn buff on a 50 cool down, that adds 1/2 your level to your melee power, but reduces Sagacity, Nimbleness, and Savvy by just as much for the full cooldown?

    The diggle commando inspired skill could just teach you the secrets of their cloaking, giving you a +1 trap sight radius and +5 stealthiness.

    Just some random ideas that came to mind when thinking of the different diggles.
  6. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    Something tells me +1 trap sight radius and +5 sneaking is probably a little underwhelming. :) Well, for something pickable every 4 to 5 levels.

    I think the reason he wanted bombs on there is because Diggles totally are based on Prinnies, who explode when thrown. And are known for lobbing bombs around.