Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Nicholas, Jan 26, 2016.

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  1. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    Major Changes:

    We've added a first verison of the new Laboratory system! Build a lab, and scientists will use chalkboards to research new science – well, it's exclusively agricultural science at this point. But we'll be adding more, as you can see by the additional unimplemented fields of study in the laboratory's UI.

    Full Changelog:

    • added new Laboratory system
    • Opium Poppy, Bamboo, and Coconut Palm are now locked by research at start of game
    • added some generic agricultural labour upgrade technologies
    • added grass, shrubbery, and flower planting for gardening enthusiasts
    • added boxed module recipes for the following: Chemistry Workbench, Fancy Bookshelf, Hanging pots, Stone Altar, Large Stone Altar, Wood Altar
    • added progress bar to Do Diplomatic Paperwork
    • updated the following tutorials to match current art/gameplay: Cooking, Job Filters, Staying Alive, Using Military
    • updated costs for constructing ceramics and chemistry workbenches
    • tables are now "Table and Chair Sets". You can't sit in them right now. This will be Improved.
    • Trade goods and forbidden items now have bright red/green outlines as well as their standard tinting.
    • NCOs of higher skill will now train militia footsoldiers significantly faster
    • balance: adjusted utility of burial so it (hopefully) doesn't conflict w/ farming duties
    • balance: increased baseline training time of militia to redcoats to encourage use of skilled NCOs
    • balance: assigning a soldier away from their barracks will reset their training points to zero; if you want trained soldiers, you must maintain a standing army
    • FIXED: Fishperson Steak and Long Pork are no longer cooked by the Basic Food recipe
    • FIXED: glass panes no longer built instantly
    • FIXED (probably): possible infinite loops when studying fishpeople/obeliskians
    • FIXED: forageables would rotate slightly when a job to interact with them was cancelled in a certain way
    • FIXED: Fishpeople envoys will never show up before first contact
    • FIXED: starting loadout airdrop crates will no longer land on each others' goods and possibly causing explosions, fire, and death
    • FIXED: triggering frontier justice via ministry investigation events will now correctly place frontier justice icons on target
    • FIXED: when soldiers are ordered to beat someone, they won't be frontier justiced due to hurting another colonist
    • FIXED: when colonists talk while holding very large items, they'll no longer swing them around crazily while gesticulating
    • FIXED: redcoats assigned away from a barracks can now be re-trained
    • FIXED: relations with various factions would be totally reset by incidental events that should have modified relations slightly
    • FIXED: possible infinite loop in foreign_office.go

    Note: the building placer rewrite I've been doing is not in 47A yet. I hope to have a first version in 47B, whenever that is.
  2. Unforked

    Unforked Member

    Shrubberies! The Knights will be pleased. You know which ones. Ni
    Essence likes this.
  3. Tikigod

    Tikigod Member

    Time to establish large research farming outposts for science!
  4. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    Hmm, fire, then trade, and now science.

    Actually in my v46 colony, a science crate exploded my scientists (I just assigned another, no big deal)
  5. berkstin

    berkstin Member

    Still getting the endless walking-in-place/stall loop "thing" when dissecting Obeliskians. No crash log (had to do alt-cmd-esc and force quit) but here's the replay.

    To be clear: I get the message that the naturalist has completed the dissection and that's when it stalls out. It doesn't seem to matter if I click on the message box or not (although in this case I did)

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  6. Tikigod

    Tikigod Member

    Hello hello, what's all this then?


    Not noticing any artifacts listed in commodities, can't check the location yet as the surface node is still sat there.

    Edit: Surface node finally removed, it's a Obeliskian seal. Guess they no longer get tracked under commodities.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2016
  7. Dona Nelson

    Dona Nelson Member

    Using the stop farming command now ensures that one cannot assign any crop to that field or, apparently, to any new fields.

    NM, it seems that I had loaded a game from before the new update.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2016
  8. Tikigod

    Tikigod Member

    Maybe I'm missing something, but what workshop is meant to produce worker certificates? They're a packed module now but can't see it listed in any of the following:

    * Carpentry.
    * Ceramics.
    * Textiles.

    Edit: To add on to the problematic modules, Stone Plinths appear to be bugged. My ceramics have been trying to produce 2 of them for 3 days now, and the workers just keep loading more and more raw stone into the workbench and never initiate the crafting action.... the order is just some giant stone consuming blackhole.

    Checking the console output noticing a lot of:

    Checking each attempt to create a Stone Plinth by following the flow of the first unlocked tagged object ID before that point, it seems the first raw stone fed into the order each time is being prematurely deleted before the order can be completed, which then causes the order to fail once it gets to the point where all 4 units have been fed in and the game goes to initiate the construction phase and goes "Hang on, this first stone block object is referencing an already deleted object, that can't be right".

    So the order then gets wiped losing all stone already fed into it and then the colonists start the order again... that's what it looks like going on the console log anyways. :p

    I'd say there's a very good chance it's tied to this bug:

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    Last edited: Jan 26, 2016
  9. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    Nope,everything used for making stuff is "deleted", it's why raw food disappears when it's shoved in an oven.

    EDIT: Think I found it, a reference is broken in the jobs code, it references "stone" twice instead of "stone2", see bolded section in the quoted code below

    this is in game\jobs\workshop_jobs.xml

    The problem being the colonist tries to pick up "stone" a second time while "stone" is already gone, of course. They should be walking to and grabbing "stone2"

    Last edited: Jan 26, 2016
    KillerKidClever and Samut like this.
  10. Insanius

    Insanius Member

    Upon loading my save I noticed that my colonists are completing farm jobs and mining surface nodes instantaneously.
  11. Tikigod

    Tikigod Member

    When I said deleted, I meant the full reference to the object itself not necessarily the 'game facing' item, as I was working on the assumption that objects fed into a job would be fully retained as a object for use as a reference even though from a player perspective it's 'removed', so that until the job is completed firstly it would allow for some kind of sanity check to make sure everything added up and there wasn't some brainfart during any part of that phase before moving on to the next stage, and secondly to allow for restoration of those objects if something does cause the job to fail before full completion so the 'game facing' items could be recreated and injected back into the colony rather than have them vanish into some mystic void.

    Though perhaps that isn't the case and that kind of redundancy isn't being used (Certainly seems like at least on some level it isn't being used based on what's happening, and probably for good reason).

    But regardless, the additional information pulled from the xml does indeed fill in the gaps from the console output information. As the job itself was successfully tagging and tracking 4 unique instances of raw stone, didn't even think to look for any sign that it may be a case that some more fundamental part of the behaviour may have been set up incorrectly to not use what was correctly being retrieved and fed in.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2016
  12. tHe_silent_H

    tHe_silent_H Member

    Just did a Lord Palmerstroke science loadout(for quick lab), did not get my bar of gold, event for getting science crate didn't trigger when i finished the lab(and built macroscope+chalkboard+assigned overseer)

    update: got a obeliskian seal from mining, scientist prefers chalkboard over studying artifacts, also chalkboard still adds+1 to decor

    Update 2: just noticed he can use the chalkboard in the naturalist's office to do research as well

    Update 3: have 100ish/20 research points, all research done, artifacts still untouched. 2 scientists can use a chalkboard, one at the front, one from behind the wall it's on

    Update 4: event finally triggered (after more than 30 days with a lab), tried to turn crate into useful stuff, turned into a weeping willow sapling(untextured)
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2016
  13. Drumhead

    Drumhead Member

    So close. So close to trying out that new science stuff this time!

    Oh well tomorrow I suppose. Twas a good run.

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  14. Rentahamster

    Rentahamster Member

    Hobart is stuck building an airship signaler.

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  15. Sethiusdraven

    Sethiusdraven Member

    alright. First off, my mineshaft got eaten by the workshop right out of the gates, setting me back.
    Fishpeople grenades are overpowered. 2 of them wiped out my entire squad, and they were redcoats and in pretty decent shape
    if your nco dies (as he is always the first to do) then the soldiers below him get reset as if they were assigned elsewhere.
    why in the world are the soldiers and nco's so prone to running in and melee-ing the enemy, now? One soldier was melee, and another was two squares behind with a musket, and he decided to melee as well. It would be one thing if melee actually did damage, but it is less damage then a regular pistol does.
    after my squad died and I was dropped to 5 villagers, I was reduced to barely holding on. I should've frontier'd someone to get a refresher crew in. Got up to 10 with immigrants. however I tried to regenerate with one person bouncing workshops, while the rest farmed, dipolomacied and after 18 straight days of NO overseer, another fishperson squad came through and wiped me out.
    Please fix overseer influx under 20 people rate.
    Please fix the melee of soldiers, the amount of damage grenades do, and the complete drop of skill by soldiers.
    ***suggest utilizing formula of "removal from crew = -1 rating" as would be expected from removing or watching their nco go down, and then do a "non-soldier for a day = -1 rating" or a half a day. This would still gain the desired effect that you are looking for without completely throwing away many days worth of training.
    Please fix the hungry workbenches.
    as for me I'm going back to v47stable till next update

    **followup - the modules I made while only having one overseer doing anything in workshops were successful including the next mineshaft
    and also, mineshaft took 3 logs and an iron bar, not 3 planks

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    Last edited: Jan 27, 2016
  16. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    CE does not and has never supported loading saves from one version to another. There ought to be a warning message saying this so we can avoid such confusion (because I suspect a lot of bugs are being caused by people loading old saves).

    Sorry, I'm not sure I understand what happened here. Your mineshaft disappeared somehow? Were you placing it and something went wrong, or was it somehow consumed by a workshop job trying to make something?

    Logged as OC-4363, should be an easy fix, thx for the report!

    Science crate and macroscope should be removed (temporarily?) for this Science overhaul. I doubt the events will work properly (as per your experience), so we'll remove those until they work correctly with the new science system.

    Ahhhhhh! This one is driving me crazy because I can dissect Obeliskians all day on my computer and it never freezes. I'll put some more time into attempting it, but I've got no idea what's going on there.

    Is anyone else getting the Obeliskian freeze, and if so, do you have a save/replay?
  17. mailersmate

    mailersmate Member


    "Opium Poppy, Bamboo, and Coconut Palm are now locked by research at start of game"

    I'm rather concerned that this will effectively make these commodities invisible to players who don't already use them alot. I personally only rarely use them at best already without needing to unlock them.

    I think you'll need to make it extremely explicit (a) what locked commodities are/how to unlock them, (b) what they are used for and (c) what practical uses the end products they go into have (preferably by spelling out the exact effect / use)

    For instance, if charcoal was locked, I'd want to see as the clueless forgetful person I am:
    - that charcoal is unlocked by whatever means
    - that charcoal is made with *logs* in a *charcoal oven* at the *metalworks*
    - that charcoal is combined with *ores* in a *smelter* at the *metalworks* to create *metal bars*. *Metal bars* have a wide range of uses, principally in *weapons*, *faster modules*, and *decorations*.

    In fact eventually I think the UI needs to provide this level of detail on everything eventually. As a pretty conservative player I'm not going to make gambles on unknown items too often.

    I've played more than one game where lacking this sort of information for actions I can't freely experiment with has seriously damaged the experience for me.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2016
  18. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    I whipped up a quick video for Alpha 47a. In addition to Chalkboard weirdness (which has now been fixed), I gave research at the Lab a shake, and I noticed that Scientists don't seem to research Geometer Canopic Jars (or it doesn't get prioritised over Do Science, which they do continuously).
  19. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    So we can add this level of detail, sure. However, a) some of the point of a game *should* be discovering how things work and why (look at, for instance, the Root of T'Char in Dredmor, or the Lutefisk Cube in a Lutefisk Cube), and b) it's not clear where we would put that information exactly. I'm open to suggestions for better tooltips.
  20. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Artifact research is EDIT: [deactivated] 'til we roll it into [however they're going to work]. Sorry to disappoint! (They'll still drive your colonists mad, of course.)

    There was a short discussion about adding greyed out items to the farm interface that would say "unlock via research" or something. Seems fairly straightforward. Also other schemes for baking information into the game itself are possible afoot...
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2016
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