ALPHA 46B now in Experimental Branch

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Nicholas, Jan 14, 2016.

  1. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    Certainly it might be useful for players to have a standard item to spam for use in trade.

    I recommend the Standing Desk, Simple Chair or Spice Rack boxed modules, they seem the most value per plank used for them.

    What is the ratio needed for a trade to succeed anyway? It seems 360 is not enough to buy a 260 Zinc Ingot.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2016
  2. Drumhead

    Drumhead Member

    Not much experience with trades yet myself. I'm still early game in this version. As was stated elsewhere I haven't figured out anything I can spare to trade at this point (just got the ceramics up and going sorta).

    Also, crash!

    As an aside though, since there is a lot of discussion on trade value; I would like to see trade values vary based on the geographic locale. Example: in the desert (eventually?!?) wooden goods might be worth more since they are scarce. Glass might be super cheap because of the abundant sand and materials available. It would make for an interesting dynamic in my opinion, and try to get away from the whole 'what produces the most gain/resource' meta.

    update: crash appears to happen wehn queuing loading bay doors in the carpentry shop and messing with the build order.

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    Last edited: Jan 15, 2016
  3. Mikel

    Mikel Waiting On Paperwork From The Ministry. Forever.

    I am thinking sulfur might be a good candidate until we have more (safe) uses.
  4. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    Now that I think about it, you can designate items as trade goods even if they were mined in some corner really far away, and then trade them without having to haul back to town?
  5. I'm still having the issue where people are getting stuck in a loop of picking up and putting down cabbages forever. When they pick them up, they're showing "Eat Cooked Food" and since they're not actually cooked, they're then putting them right back down. But then they pick it right back up showing as "Eat Cooked Food" again. This process repeats, as near as I can tell, indefinitely. Is no one else having this happen? It's been happening to me in every single game I've attempted since 64A.
  6. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    There's something screwy with trade items which are carried. At least with fishpeople, I've had their trade group come down, drop their items (and everyone does this) but then they run away or so on and later on I can actually just take the items.

    I'm not sure what exactly lets you do this, but between "designate as trade" "forbid/claim" and potentially when you save/load, it seems the game will let you use these things.

    It may have to do with the traders putting down their goods on a place that you've set as a stockpile, I've also had items in the stockpile (shows up when you click stockpile) which don't show up on commodities etc. Sometimes these items (like 12 Scrap Iron I know I never paid for) later on just become yours.
  7. Unforked

    Unforked Member

    Yeah, commoditiy ownership is getting a little confusing in general. Fishpeople brought me a bunch of sand as a gift that sat in my stockpile without showing up in my inventory, and I couldn't ever make glass out of it.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
  8. Alavaria

    Alavaria Member

    Reporting something amusing. While "raw fishperson steak" and "long pork" supposedly need a spice rack in order to cook them...

    actually these items can be cooked via "cook basic food". I just observed this. Also: the food edb has lines like:

    Also, thank for for letting us turn a "cube of meat" into Stew :)
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2016
    Samut likes this.
  9. Unforked

    Unforked Member

    This has probably been mentioned, but it would be sooo nice if the trade screen had a third section that just showed our inventory, and we could simply drag what we want into the outgoing trade window (and designate the amount with a slider), instead of manually marking trade goods in the world. Icing would be if it showed total value for comparison.
    Samut likes this.
  10. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    NP! Logged the issue as OC-4319.

    Logged as OC-4316; this is a slightly confusing one, can't get it to repro with your save or just by attempting, so digging deeper.
  11. Drumhead

    Drumhead Member

    Yeah unfortunately that save was a few min before it occurred and is the closest I could get.