Melee Vlad Digula Kill

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by Isasaur, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. Isasaur

    Isasaur Member

    I never wondered I would get so far!

    Skills: Unarmed Combat, Master-of-Arms, Vampirism, Perception, Archaeology, Smithing and Vegan Killer














    Oh yeah, and after killing that Vlad Digula, another one appeared! And... well...


    he died too... :p Still alive and kicking (lol puns) with 3883152 score after leaving his place.
    Turbo164 likes this.
  2. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    Do none of the diggles in Diggle hell attack (other than vlad digula) engage since you are a Vegan?
  3. Isasaur

    Isasaur Member

    They ALL attack you, and cast spells, because it's considered Wizardlands, so it's actually less benefitial to be a Vegan there, since you have to keep walking off the debuffs everytime you attack something, but even then, I was still oneshotting everything except for muscle diggles.

    Also something to take note: Vlad Digula isn't considered animal, he's considered Demon/Undead or something, I don't remember, but atleast you don't get debuffed like hell from attacking him.
  4. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    Man! Makes me sad. My vampire crashed on floor 13 and I can't get him back (post in bugs forum!). and he had WAY better gear than you do (except the Hat, Krong always screws me). Doesn't look like you are even sporting a diggle god buff.

    And nobody even replied. I probably will never get to finish that game.
  5. Isasaur

    Isasaur Member

    It's cause the Diggle God buffs don't work for me for w/e reason, the only one that ever worked was the diggle devil, but I can't find another one.
  6. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    Don't work as in you don't get the buff, or don't work as in the buff doesn't proc?
  7. Isasaur

    Isasaur Member

    I just don't get the buff... and what pisses me off the most is that I lost the buff I got from the Devil Statue :\
  8. Isasaur

    Isasaur Member

    Just killed Lord Dredmor! 4274448, giving me spot #190 in the Leaderboards for GRPD :D

  9. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    He is considered "Diggle Prince"; it's even there on the screenshots.

    That's a unique taxa made so that nothing would stupidly interfere with him (well, until someone goes to create a diggle-centred skill tree, but that's likely distant future if at all).
  10. Wootah

    Wootah Member

    Which is why my original post said
    - Emphasis added
  11. Isasaur

    Isasaur Member

    Well, yeah, cause it would be really stupid if you could just go at him (and any other animals in Wizardlands) just cause you have Vegan Killer lol