Windows Vista/7 64-bit Game thinks Mysterious Portal dimension is Pocket Dimesnion

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by SaintWacko, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. SaintWacko

    SaintWacko Member

    I entered a mysterious portal, and played through most of it, using my skills the whole way. Near the end, I though I hit save and continue, but I must have misclicked, because it saved and went back to the main menu. When I loaded it up again, I suddenly couldn't use any skills. What I thought was going to be the problem was that I could no longer eat corpses for health, but what ended up being worse was that there was an Axe of the Lunar Disc on a little island, and I couldn't use my Rocket-Powered Punch or Rocket Jump to get it. I've attached the relevant save, I think.

    Edit: Just discovered it crashes when I try to leave using the Mysterious Portal. Also, it changed my skills in the save selection screen, showing Axes instead of Perception. However, when I actually load up the game I still have Perception.

    Attached Files: