You Have To Put The Feedback for the DLC In The Beta Thread

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by Nicholas, May 1, 2012.

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  1. TheKirkUnited

    TheKirkUnited Member

    I thought these things were supposed to resolve themselves once we opened the box. Schrodinger would be appalled.
    OmniNegro and Null like this.
  2. Lorrelian

    Lorrelian Member


    And applied physics. And basic biology. And ect...
    DavidB1111 and Doc Gelegentlich like this.
  3. Null

    Null Will Mod for Digglebucks

    You still haven't rolled in my changes to the spellDB. I've mentioned it at least twice that you only added the skillDB stuff. That also means that because the skill is missing a proc and an active while getting the reduced stats and not getting any other buffs it's quite weak.

    Also: the diggle geologist is using the wrong stats that aren't up to date, not sure about the monDB anywhere else but that's still using the wizard stats and the incorrect spells. It appears those weren't rolled in either (in fax's mondb). So it's utterly broken as well (as in horribly weak outside of the occasional paralyze because it has wizard instead of warrior levels and the spell changes).
  4. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    Speaking of errors, I potentially have 21 7 more. (Not 21. I was foolishly only testing spells of type="self". For type="target" the damage effect obviously works.)

    There are 7 spells in the core game or RotDG that are type="self" buffs that have an <effect type="damage" .... /> This doesn't appear to do anything. Here they are:

    Core Game:

    Infernal Empowerment​
    Hyperborean Empowerment​
    Voltaic Empowerment​


    Fallen Vegan​
    Vegan Shame​
    Vegan Purging​
    Mark of the Black Eyeliner​

    To test this I changed the damage on Fallen Vegan from 1 to 1000 and went and punched a Diggle until I got the buff. No 1,000 damage happened. I also tested this with Voltaic Empowerment using various combinations of <effect self="1"> and <buff bad="1">. It doesn't do any damage to me or my enemies.
    OmniNegro and FaxCelestis like this.
  5. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Did the whole issue with boozeBuff/foodBuff/consumeBuff ever get addressed? I have people telling me they don't work in the beta Rc2.

    Also, for Puissant Touch, the <attack="1"> part of the spell needs to be moved into the base spell, or it doesn't trigger properly. Like so:

    <spell name="Puissant Hit Normal" type="target" icon="skills/puissant_touch32.png">
    <effect type="damage" aethereal="1" aetherealF=".15" secondaryScale="1"/> <!-- scale to mp --> 
    <impact sprite="sprites/sfx/mystic_hit/mystic_hit" frames="5" framerate="60" centereffect="0" sfx="blast"/>
    <spell name="Puissant Hit Empowered" type="target" icon="skills/puissant_touch32.png" > 
    <effect type="damage" aethereal="2" aetherealF=".25" secondaryScale="1"/> <!-- scale to mp --> 
    <impact sprite="sprites/sfx/mystic_hit/mystic_hit" frames="5" framerate="60" centereffect="0" sfx="blast" />
    <effect type="trigger" spell="Essence Effect" />
    <spell name="Puissant Touch" type="adjacent" icon="skills/puissant_touch32.png" attack="1" >
    <requirements mp="3" mincost="1"/>
    <effect type="trigger" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="Essence of Battle" spell="Puissant Hit Empowered"/>
    <effect type="trigger" requirebuffonnottrigger="1" requirebuffonnottriggername="Essence of Battle" spell="Puissant Hit Normal"/>
    <description text="Why mess about with incantations, gesturing, and smelly powders? Just use your hand to inject burning raw magical energy directly into your enemy's flesh."/>
  6. Ruigi

    Ruigi Will Mod for Digglebucks

    castondeath, custom loot drops, and the death ray spell for diggle scientist isn't working properly.

    The first two problems appear to be code issues, but the last problem should be managable.

    Hopefully this version of death ray will be easier for players and diggles to use.
    <spell name="Aetheric Death Ray" type="targetfloor" icon="skills/aetheric_death_ray32.png" >
     <requirements mp="35" savvyBonus="0.25" mincost="15" /> 
     <description text="Your final work is a weapon so deadly that it is sure to reveal the inherant irrationality of war thus bringing an age of everlasting peace. In the meantime, a demonstration is required ... (Damage is scaled by your wandcrafting skill.)"/>
     <effect type="trigger" spell="Aetheric Death Ray beam" />
     <effect type="trigger" amount="1" spell="Aetheric Discharge" percent="5" />
     <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/impact_piercing/impact_piercing" frames="3" sfx="enchanted" framerate="250"  centerEffect="1"/>
     <ai hint="target"/>
  7. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    Spelling Check/Grammar Nazi alert: ;) Steam Rocket Bolt has fat in it's description but I believe that it is supposed to be at.
  8. Kaoschan

    Kaoschan Member

    Perhaps a bug i noticed:
    I'm now on Floor 3 and have found around 8 Bolt Vendors, yet all 8 Vendors (2 from the 3-rune room) had the same items stocked in them. Plastic Bolt, Copper Bolt and Barbed Copper Bolt. No other Bolt was in these 6 Vendors.

    I smell a Bug
  9. TheKirkUnited

    TheKirkUnited Member

    Contents of dispensors tend to scale to the floor you're on. I don't think that's a bug.

    I crafted a trapper's belt recently, and it ate my whole stack of five tinkerer's tools. I'm suddenly very worried about how the RNG feels about giving me a sixth set of tools.
  10. Kaoschan

    Kaoschan Member

    I'm now on floor 5 and still all bolt-vendors have the same 3 types of bolts.
  11. Ruigi

    Ruigi Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Rebreather needs to be nerfed. It was originally intended to give the player the minimum resists he would need to be immune to his own gas grenade, and nothing more. This new version accounts for the resists that the player can get from taking alchemy.
    <item name="Mechanothaumic Rebreather" iconFile="items/helm_rebreather.png" special="1">
    <price amount="3000"/>
    <armour level="5" type="head"/>
    <secondarybuff id="10" amount="1"/> <!-- armour absorption -->
    <secondarybuff id="17" amount="-1" />
    <secondarybuff id="18" amount="-1" />
    <resistbuff toxic="4" asphyxiative="5" putrefying="4" acidic="1" />
    <description text="With filters built from the finest imperial metaclockwork, this mask confers nigh-immunity to cowardly gas-based attacks."/>
    This tweak to rocket punch will remove the "heat exhaust effect". It distracts the player from the smoke trail and the spell shouldn't drain 2 mp.

    <spell name="Rocket-powered Punch" downtime="24" type="targetfloor" icon="skills/rocket_fist32.png" wand="0">
      <effect type="trigger" spell="Rocket-powered Punch " />
      <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/impact_piercing/impact_piercing" frames="3" sync="1" sfx="fireball" framerate="200"  centerEffect="1"/>
      <description text="You can periodically launch a fist-shaped rocket from a cannon mounted on your arm to give wayward brigands and blaggards what-for." />
      <ai hint="target"/>
  12. Kaoschan

    Kaoschan Member

    Combatlog seems to not take Block into account for displaying damage.
    I was attacked and i blocked the attack and recived 2 damage, yet the combatlog displayed that i got 4 damage.

    Additionaly it seems somethign is off with procs too.

    The Hexaxe has a 100% Proc for Killig Blow if you kill a enemy, yet after killing several enemies in melee combat the proc didn't fire.
  13. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    It's missing an after="1" tag in the proc, so it burns off Killing Blow on the attack you obtain it with.
  14. Ruigi

    Ruigi Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Also, this might sound like a strange request, but could the Rocket Boots be modified to grant four points of blasting resist?

    It seems silly that "rocket boots" don't really help the player use the rocket jump ability.
    Doc Gelegentlich and OmniNegro like this.
  15. Ruigi

    Ruigi Will Mod for Digglebucks

    This Tweak of Barmatic Vortex Blast will insure that everyone who gets hit by the projectile and shockwave will be properly dazed.
    <spell name="Mega Sonic Boom" type="targetfloor">
       <effect type="trigger" spell="Mega Sonic Boom2" />
       <effect type="damage" blasting="4" blastingF=".34" primaryScale="5" affectsCaster="1" />
       <effect type="damage" blastingF="6" secondaryScale="20" affectsCaster="0"/>
       <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/impactB/impactB" frames="5" sfx="explosion" framerate="150" centerEffect="1"/>
    <spell name="Mega Sonic Boom2" type="template" templateID="11">
     <effect type="trigger" spell="Dazed"/>
       <effect type="damage" blasting="4" blastingF=".34" primaryScale="5" affectsCaster="1" />
       <effect type="damage" blastingF="6" secondaryScale="20" affectsCaster="0"/>
       <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/miniquake/miniquake" frames="5" sfx="blast" framerate="40" centerEffect="1"/>
       <effect type="knock" amount="2"/>
    <spell name="Mega Sonic Beam" type="beammissile" icon="skills/mystic_missile32.png" wand="0">
     <effect type="trigger" spell="Dazed"/>
       <effect type="damage" blasting="20" affectsCaster="1" />
       <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/impactB/impactB" frames="4" framerate="20" sfx="hex_missile" centerEffect="1"/>
       <impact sprite="sprites/sfx/impact_piercing/impact_piercing" frames="3" sfx="earth" framerate="180"  centerEffect="1"/>
       <effect type="trigger" amount="1" affectsCorpses="0" spell="Sonic Boom" />
       <effect type="trigger" amount="1" affectsCorpses="0" spell="Sonic Boom2"/>
       <effect type="trigger" amount="1" affectsCorpses="0" spell="Sonic Boom3"/>
    <spell name="Baromatic Vortex Blast" downtime="90" type="targetfloor" icon="skills/baromatic_vortex32.png" wand="0">
       <effect type="trigger" spell="Mega Sonic Beam" />
       <effect type="trigger" spell="Mega Sonic Boom" />
       <effect type="trigger" spell="Heat Exhaust  "/>
       <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/impact_piercing/impact_piercing" frames="3" sfx="disintegrate" framerate="150"  centerEffect="1"/>
    OmniNegro likes this.
  16. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Jeez, lots of things.
    OK, done. And added Arcane Capacitor back in to the mix and drew new sprites for it. And fixed a bunch of other stuff.
  17. Null

    Null Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Small thing with this, the aetheric discharge needs to trigger on turn zero or it will never without a target directly where you cast it. This also the source of the bug with tenebrous rift btw. Those spells that have delays need to target self first and then delay it.
  18. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    RC3 up.

    Two notable bug fixes that crept in: wand lore is now kaput, and quest mobs *should* stop spawning in walls (let me know if this changes!)
  19. Ruigi

    Ruigi Will Mod for Digglebucks

    That was done intentionally. I didn't want to penalize the player for not hitting anything.

    However, I agree with you. I'll post a tweak when I get a chance. I'm trying to get the spell to work on the diggle scientist.
  20. Did a tiny bit of fiddling with Fleshcrafting. Zomby is definitely more useful up front (though woe betide the caster who didn't think "did I remember to take a damage spell?). Still, I feel like a lot of the "keep me alive" stuff in FC is way later in the tree now. Undecided on how I feel about that change overall so far.
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