Won't somebody think of the eelys? (I don't know why there are five copies of this post)

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Coaldrone, Jul 23, 2011.

  1. Coaldrone

    Coaldrone Member

    I love eelys. They're my favourite DoD beast of all. I especially like the way they all stack on top of one another in one water space so when you stroll up to 'one' you get 4 simultaneous chomps to the face and die. I wish I had a pet eely, I like them so much. Which is why it causes me untold emotional agony when I hit one, my mace skill Dwarven Handshake procs, and the poor little eely flies backwards two spaces and is forced to phase into the solid ground behind it, trapped in position and undoubtedly suffering cataclysmic pain and suffering on an as-yet undiscovered atomic level.

    Rar fix nau also nerf X game mechanic that caused me to die once etc etc.
  2. Coaldrone

    Coaldrone Member

    The hell? I didn't make 5 copies of this. Apologies, but that honestly wasn't my intention!