[WIP] Three Skill concepts

Discussion in 'Modding' started by kitmehsu, Jan 19, 2012.

  1. kitmehsu

    kitmehsu Member

    Some thoughts I have concocted, running it by some people before I start coding and giving things proper numbers instead of filler/starter values.

    Doubtacology - (Not Wizard)
    Sign a restraining order against this magic nonsense, for their own protection.

    Mundanity Bubble
    +10 Mag Resist
    Surprisingly thinking that you live in your own little magic free world works, tearing the magic out of anything near you.
    Effect: Area of effect anti-magic debuff that targets user too, 10 cooldown

    You are Impossible
    +10 Mag Resist
    You politely explain how this superstitious mumbo jumbo just couldn't happen in real life, shattering the world view of many magical creatures.
    Effect:4+0.3 Existential damage+anti-magic on target. 4 cooldown.

    Shield of Skepticism
    +10 Mag Resist
    You've seen how this trick is done before, it's just a bunch of smoke and mirrors.
    Buff: +10 Stubbornness, +30 Mag Reflect 20 turns, drains manna by 10% per turn. 25 Cooldown.

    Sigil of Doubt
    +10 Mag resist
    In one elegant glyph, you define all the logical inconsistencies in the various arcane arts, Fanciful creatures, and efficient bureaucracies, rendering them useless in the face of your doubt.
    Effect: Durable mine(5) that causes a mass amount of anti-magic+(2+.20)Existential when triggered. Cooldown 20

    Critical Anti-Magic Reaction
    +10 Mag Resist
    +4 Stubbornness
    You "accidentally" got your anti-magic in some magic, causing a massive chain explosion of magical energy. Fortunately, you don't believe in that kind of stuff, so it doesn't effect you.
    Effect:Hits a large area with (6+.30) Aetherial damage+anti-magic. Drains 100% caster's mana.

    Booze Bomber-(Warrior) - Still needs 1 more skill
    Catalyze the raw magical power of booze into massive explosions within your own body for fun and profit.

    Tnt Cocktail
    Due to your education in mixology, you can takes some booze and give it a real kick.
    Effect: Consume a booze item to create a cross explosion of blasting damage with 2xknockback + 4 mana recovery (no self damage) 4 cooldown

    The Boozer touch
    Why waste time with food, when you can have BOOZE!
    Effect: Consume a food item to create a random booze item

    Kamikaze Liver
    Your liver has given up on converting the booze to magic, and has gone critical. Thankfully the booze keeps you going inspite of it.
    Effect: Creates a 2 square radius explosion of blasting damage by consuming a booze item (No self damage) 10 Cooldown.

    Person of mass destruction
    You Blood achool level has reached such high levels, that should you explode, you will viotliate several peace treaties.
    Effect: Duplicate the effect of a Arrow of Mass Destruction, with you at the center by consuming a booze item (Self damage, oh does it self damage) Cooldown 40

    Chimeraism - (I have no Idea, maybe wizard, or rouge? I just don't know)
    Pimp your body with the bits of monster's from the dungeon.

    You got your monster's eyes
    Attaching various bits of monsters to yourself after slaying them may seam a bit macarbe, but the results speak for themselves, at least untill the glue gives way and the parts are knocked off.
    Effect: On kill, gain one of the buffs below based on taxa, buff lasts for 5 hits.

    One of Us
    With all the strange boogly bits on yourself, monsters sometimes have a hardtime telling if you are an adventurer or not.
    Effect: A buff that either make monster's freindly like the vegan's animals, or creates a dot pacifiy area around the player. lasts for either 40 turns or 1 attack.(any agression if it had suport for it)

    5 second rule
    You can't allways go out and kill another monster just to harvest there organs, so as long as their are corpses that haven't been on the ground too long, you can make do.
    Effect: A skill that can get the approriate buff from a corpse.

    Seven quarters whole
    Specificly you are a quarter human, animal, demon, Undead, construct, vetegtable, and other misclanious creatures. Of course that means more of you tends to fall off, but your detached peices keep fighting all the same.
    Effect: When hit, you have a chance of generating a random summoned creature from a list of 1 per taxa.

    For a rainy Day
    You have learned the secret arts of the Diggle god of tupperware, and now can save grafts for latter when you have removed it from the corpse.
    Effect: you can convert corpses into Jar of X(X being the Taxa Buff) which can give you the buff when used.

    Demon's Heart
    It turns out that demons have a lot of heart, 3 to be exact.
    +Conflagitory resist
    +Acidic Resist
    +Health regeneration

    Animal's instincts
    You wouldn't think that is an organ, but look us now.
    +Rightous resist
    +Slashing Resist
    +Trap Sight

    Vegi brain
    The brains of vetgitables are great for the vegan zombie or the adventurer in need of some extra smarts
    +Crushing Resist
    +Voltaic Resist
    +Mana Regen

    Other fluids
    Whatever that junk you just put into your bloodstream was, it works.
    +Hyperborean Resist
    +Transmutitive resist

    Chiseled Abs
    These rock hard adomenals you yonked from a construct make you all the beafier
    +Toxic Resist
    +Putrifying resist
    +Armor Absorbtion

    Re-dead hand
    Turns out that when body parts die a second time, they really don't like being made part of some sort of living or unliving thing a third time.
    +Necro resist
    +Peircing Resist
    +Trap Affinity
  2. Velorien

    Velorien Member

    Very nice work. My first thought is that a total of +50 Magic Resist is way too high for Doubtacology, though. Imagine if Master of Arms gave +50 Block or Dual Wielding gave +50 Counter. Also, unless there's a joke I'm not getting, perhaps you should try for a better-sounding name? Using "scepticism" or "skepsis" as a root would make it sound cooler and open up new pun possibilities.

    For Booze Bomber, how will you derive explosion damage? Bear in mind the whole "skills working off Magic Power" issue, and it being a warrior skill.

    For Chimeraism, can you have multiple buffs at a time? If so, it becomes overpowered. But if you only have one buff at a time, then they'll either be overpowered at the low end or underpowered at the high end. How about having your maximum number of buffs be equal to the skill level, or tying the scale of the bonuses from them to your skill level?
  3. kitmehsu

    kitmehsu Member

    I think the 50 magic resist was back when it had kept you in perpetual no magic mode, hence why it gave such a massive buff, so it is an almost certainty that it's getting toned down. As for the name, I was going for more the weird, and it was mostly inspired by the the shield of angostisim's description "Be shielded by your doubt" or something like it. Also, doubt sound more disbelieving than skepticism.

    In booze bomber, I was planning on having all the damage having the attack="1" flag, so they would increase with melee power, plus a small bit extra scalling if need from Mpower.

    As for chimeraism, I think I thought on that one the least. What about increasing the number of creatures you can get buffs from as you level? Like level 1 you are hunting out animals, and maybe vegi's/demons, level 3 you can also start hunting the other vegi's/demons, plus undead, then finally you can get constructs and others at level 5 or something. I would have it scale with skill level if it was possible, but the system doesn't account for anything like that at the moment. Maybe switch it to a timer instead of Brittle or give it a chance of also polymorphing you as a negetive or even just adding a mana fuel qualtiy on like 10 or something on top of the buffs.

    Also, a bit of reasoning behind the skills

    Doubtacology was more for those melee characters who can't seem to catch a break closing in on the cowardly spellcasters, especially in zoos, and it wouldn't be tied to a wizard skill line.

    Booze bomber was to give booze items a useful purpose for warrior builds that scarcely use mp fueled skills while still remaining somewhat viable for a more mixed melee caster (like a viking wizard)

    Chimaraism was more just for the concept than anything else, though I'll admit I love the write up for it's fluff. (I personally made myself laugh outloud at the 5-second rule, Demon Heart, Animal instincts, and Chiseled Abs)
  4. blob

    blob Member

    Well hey, disbelieve is a pretty strong word for it too. Disbelievology ? Disbelievism ?
  5. The Disbelievagist! The Skeptitron? Disbelievanator! Impossitron?