Who's coming in SF for GDC ?

Discussion in 'Discussions' started by blob, Jan 28, 2012.

  1. blob

    blob Member

    Hey Gaslamp, are you gonna come around for GDC ?
    What about other people, anyone visiting SF for this event ?

    I thought we could organise a little meetup or something if some people are interested.
    ElectricMessiah likes this.
  2. What do you have in mind? You do mean a physical, meet in person, meet up? Those have always been fun. I don't know what GDC and SF stand for.
  3. blob

    blob Member

    In person yup.

    GDC is the Game Developper Conference. Its one of the largest game conventions, entrance is awfully expensive though ( around 1000 bucks a ticket if you want to access main conferences and stuff ). If I'm going this year I'm probably just getting the Indie summit pass. Conference happens early March.
    SF stands for San Francisco.
  4. San Francisco... hmm.. not gunna make it. :) Palm Springs, maybe. I have family out there.
  5. Daniel

    Daniel CEO Staff Member

    I will be there, and I believe Chris Dykstra will be there as well. I'm going to be attending as many interesting-sounding AI talks as possible, trying to uncover the mysteries (aka "reality-based" costs) of stochastic learning agents for Project Odin. Other than that, I'm sure I/we will have *some* free time, and I've never been to SF so I'm really looking forward to checking out the city a bit!
  6. blob

    blob Member

    That's great ! SF is a very enjoyable city, and I totally recommend visiting the whole thing. Good luck for the free time, GDC usually has billions of pre-parties, after parties... : D
    Is Dredmor part of the Indie game festival this year ?
  7. Daniel

    Daniel CEO Staff Member

    Alas, no. We will be attempting to wedge our future projects into the line-up, but we will still be wandering the festival this year to check out all the other awesome indie games that will be showcased.

    We do have *some* tentative conference/expo related plans for the future, but GDC isn't super accessible to fans, so we decided to focus our efforts elsewhere. Nothing coming up in the near future, but when we do have some more info I will pass it along.
  8. blob

    blob Member

    Yes its definitely not the E3. I'm sure its gonna be very awesome anyway. GDC is a great way for indie developpers to get contacts / attend to talks with awesome people in the industry.
    Im not missing it this year, though only getting the Indie pass.