Uberchest - no working switches.

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Silvah, Oct 19, 2011.

  1. Silvah

    Silvah Member

    On floor 2, i saved and quit right after i got there, and did the floor tonight. None of the switches worked to open either of the uberchests, and 3-4 switches were non-active (aka spamflipping active) I am wondering if loading breaks the link between switch and chest.
  2. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    There actually are two problems that you are observing that have been reported before:
    1. Some chests either do not have a visible lever associated with them on the given floor (although some people think that the lever may be on a different floor -- I'm not sure if this is true).
    2. Save games do not save the state of any levers that were pulled so they all go back to their starting position. Note that any doors or chests that were opened remain opened, so the main problem with this is that it's a little confusing.
  3. Silvah

    Silvah Member

    Well I never had a problem with missing levers for switches before this, because I usually took a break without going down to the next floor, and activating the problem. I have to agree with you on multi-floor switches seems very iffy as well.
  4. Marak

    Marak Member

    2) is supposedly fixed in 1.0.6. Hard to prove one way or the other, but it was in the patch notes as "fixed".
  5. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    There are no multi-floor switches, or in fact, multi-floor anything in Dredmor. The bug with the levers was, indeed, fixed in 1.0.6; that said, it is always possible that there is another bug lurking about.
    Exile likes this.
  6. Marak

    Marak Member

    Well, guess that kills off one UberChest™ rumour, eh? I still have UberChests™ that will stubbornly refuse to open even after combing an entire Floor, but who's to say what the problem is. It could be a lever in an inaccessible room, or just forgetting to trip a lever you swear you clicked on, or any number of things. :(
  7. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    I suspect that some switches are either inaccessible, or invisible (hidden behind/under another object). Obviously, something like this is really hard to prove, though.
  8. Silvah

    Silvah Member

    I had found 8-12 switches, where 3-4 of them were blank switches. I don't believe in invisible switches anyway, and inaccessible meant nothing to someone that gets moves in mysterious ways on floor 1. I'll do some research tonight, repeating, and going Burglary+shove to see if it happens the same way.
  9. Derakon

    Derakon Member

    "Inaccessible" includes "walled off from the rest of the dungeon". There've been reports of Dredmor hiding behind a wall (requiring a Bolt of Mass Destruction or Digging Ray to get to him), so presumably there are some bugs in dungeon generation. Of course this is difficult for us players to verify without a maphack.
    Marak likes this.
  10. Haldurson

    Haldurson Member

    Ooh, I completely forgot about digging ray -- I'll have to tray that later on to see if I can find any hidden switches.
  11. YoungEngineer

    YoungEngineer Member

    Beyond missing levers, this bug is still definitely there (1.0.6). 1st level i had 2 chests that refused to open, despite one lever being flipped saying that i heard the sounds of machinery. 2nd level there was 1 uberchest that refused to open, and another lever that said that there were sounds of machinery.

    Anyone have any idea if the debs know that its still not fixed?