The Ominous Foreboding Scribble Thread

Discussion in 'Dungeons of Dredmor General' started by Kaoschan, Aug 24, 2012.

  1. Kaoschan

    Kaoschan Member

    New fragmented Scribbles were added into the game ..... it's ominous! (yes its really ominous!!)
    Lets gather them and perhaps we can combine them into readable sentences!

    Words are seperated by 3 spaces and placed within Code tags in order to clearly seperate them for reading.
    Each _ is a single letter currently unknowen due to the Scribble being fragmented.

    Scribble No. 1 + No. 5
    The  _api_ol  is  rolled  in  darkne_ s.
    Th_  P_o_pt_con  i_ lost_
    The Capitol is rolled in darkness .......
    Scribble No. 2
    _ _  all  _e_e_ _ _  th_t
    _ _yt_in_  t_at  gl_w_ _  _ _
    _ _ _ _ _i_y  m_ _t  b_
    h_rm_es_ _..
    Scribble No. 3 + No. 6
    Th_  _o_die_s  were  ge_ tl_
    pickl _ _  for  _asy
    _ ransp _ _ _  to  _h_  colony.
    _  still  _eel  the  vinegar
    in  my  ear  _ an_l
    Scribble No. 4
    M_ _  t_e  H_ly  Cog  have
    merc_  on  _ _e  _ _ _ _  _f  _ _
    May the Holy Cog have mercy on ........ soul
    Scribble No. 7
    F_ _ _  out_ _ _ _  _f  _ _me
    _ _ _  s_a_ _ _  _ _ _y  _ _a_ _e
    Scribble No. 8 + 9
    THE  DEER  _PE_ _ _ _  _OU
    STIL_  D_RE  _OT
    This i all i got for now and i will update the thread if i found new ones or if any are posted.
    Lets work together to uncover the omnious secret the devs tryied to hide in DoD!

    MOOMANiBE Ah, those were the days. Staff Member

    This is personal preference but I'd suggest using _ instead of [_] for letters. Using 3 chars for 1 char makes the spacing really confusing.
  3. 0x517A5D

    0x517A5D Member

    Not to spoil anything, but all of the text is in the executable. It's just encrypted in the Rot13 algorithm.


    Never trust a man with [REDACTED]. Who knows what it conceals?
  4. Kaoschan

    Kaoschan Member

    But thats not funny at all .)
  5. Talonic

    Talonic Member

    oh hey someone else who's been bored enough to do it manually. It's like a crossword puzzle!

    your #1 and #5 helped me figure out one of mine, where I got two iterations of it:

    __ ______d _he _rea_u_es f__ st__y _ac_ _t _he C___t___ _ut s_meth_ng t__rib_e ha_p__e_ on t_e _u_p__ _e___l_n _o__._.

    __ pick_ed _he cre_____s _o_ __ud_ ____ __ _h_ ____t___ __t _omethi__ te__ible _a_pen__ on _he _____y ze__elin _____..

    Solved it to:

    We pickled the creatures for study back at the Capitol. But something terrible happened on the supply zeppelin home...
  6. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    Here are a couple of mine I found on DL1.

    To br--- --der t- th- p-o-ince, glo-- -- -he Empi-e- -nd -o---- -o H-r --j-sty. Th-t -s t-e ---e---r---s -----

    and I believe that I have figured this one out completely because I found 2 copies on DL1. I will give both incompletes and then show what I believe it is.

    ---ar- the i-- o-e- -h-t -s --e Carrion B-zzard.

    B-w--e t-- --l -m-- -h-t -- t-- ---ri-n --zz-rd.

    Beware the ill omen that is the Carrion Buzzard.

  7. Talonic

    Talonic Member

    Adding mine to your first one gives:

    To br--- --der t- th- p-o-ince, glo-- -- -he Empi-e- -nd -o---- -o H-r --j-sty. Th-t -s t-e ---e---r---s -----
    To br__g _r_er t_ ___ _________ ___ry __ Th_ Em_ire, a__ _on___ __ _e_ M___st_. _h_t is th_ __rea_cr_t'_ ___l_

    _o __in_ Or_e_ to t__ _rovi_c__ g__ry t_ _h_ _mp____ _n_ hono_r to H_r __j_s__. _h__ is ___ ____au__a___ _o__.


    To bring order to the province, glory to The Empire, and honour to Her Majesty. That is the bureaucrat's goal. Can't believe I didn't get the honor/honour thing, given that I'm canadian.


    __ the ea_t_ t__ _e_. To __e _o__h_ __ee_ ___ ___mp_ To t_e s_____ f_r__ted b__.
    To t_e _as__ th_ __a. __ th_ nor_h: _r_es _nd __amp_ To the s_ut__ fores_e_ _og.
    To the east: the sea. To the north: trees and swamp. To the south: forested bog.
  8. Jacq

    Jacq Member

    I found one that just said "k§s"
  9. Nicholas

    Nicholas Technology Director Staff Member

    I wonder if I missed adding a tag. @*#$@....
  10. LionsDen

    LionsDen Member

    Here is a new one found on DL2 in Dwarven with no permadeath with Windows XP on steam.

    -he H-liogr--- --wer coll--sed---
    ---m-nic---on- lo-----
  11. Rhadamante

    Rhadamante Member

    Scribble No. 4
    M_ _  t_e  H_ly  Cog  have  merc_
    on  _ _e  _ _ _ _  _f  _ _  so_l
    The one I found :
    _ay  _h_  __ly   ___   __v_   m___y
    on   _h_    ge__   of   _y   soul_
    So I guess it's :
    May the Holy Cog have mercy on the gear of my soul.

    Scribble No. 3 + No. 6
    Th_  _o_die_s  were  ge_ tl_  pickl _ _
    for  _asy  _ ransp _ _ _  to  _h_  colony.
    _  still  _eel  the  vinegar  in  my  ear  _ an_l
    The one I found :
    _he  _ol_ier_  ____  ______  _ickle_
    _o_  ea_y  __an_por_  __  __e  ___o__.
    I  st__l  __e_  __e  vi_e_ar  _n  m_  ea_  c__al.
    So my guess :
    The soldiers were gently pickled for easy trasport to the colony.
    I still feel the vinegar in my ear canal.

    Scribble No. 7
    F_ _ _  out_ _ _ _  _f  _ _me  _ _ _  s_a_ _ _
    _ _ _y  _ _a_ _e  us_
    The one I found :
    __o_  out___e  _f  _im_  and  s__ce,
    _h_y  _l___e  _s.
    Which could give us :
    From outside of time and space, they _la__e us.
  12. Kamisma

    Kamisma Member

    Here's what I have by cross checking with yours :

    1. Beware the ill omen that is the carrion buzzard.

    2. The soldiers were gently pickled for easy
    transport to the colony. I still feel the vinegar in my ear canal.

    3. We all believed that anything that glowed so prettily must be

    4.The Capitol is rolled in darkness The Panopticon is lost.
    OmniNegro likes this.
  13. Quarky

    Quarky Member

    That's probably:
    From outside of time and space, they plague us.
  14. Zalminen

    Zalminen Member

    One I just found:
    __ve_ t_u_t _ m_n wi__ a_ __ers___d h_t.
    ___ k___s ____ i_ ___ce_l__.
    The beginning is probably "Never trust a man with an oversized hat." but the rest I don't know.

    My best guess would be "The Heliograph tower collapsed all communications locally" but that would require an extra space....
  15. Code:
    _s. W_____aw _c_ed a_
    _u__r___or o_ __e
    _o_k_ho_ d_e __ her
    Sta_io_ _b_ve t_e c____n
    _or t__ __p_re_
    Most likely "for the empire!"
  16. ploki122

    ploki122 Member

    Here are those I found with the meaning I think they bear... All of these were found on GRPD DL1
    _  ___wn   m_  ___row_  _n_  _e_ch  fo_  t__
    il_umin_t__g  lig__  __  t__  Gre_n  ___ry_
    I drown my sorrows and reach for the illuminating light of the Green Fairy.

    __wa_e  t_e  i_l  ____  th_t  i_  the  __rrion  _u___r__
    Beware the ill omen that is the carrion buzzard.
    This one has already been found but 1 more scribble for confirmation.

    May  __e  _oly  C__  __ve  m____  on
    t__  ___r  __  __  ___l.
    May the Holy Cog have mercy on the gear of my soul.
    This one has already been found but 1 more scribble for confirmation.
  17. Jensling

    Jensling Member

    Found these that so far doesn't seem to match any of the already found ones

    Lord __l___stok_s __ito_i_l  ____ m_ ____
    _his __s  _mpo__ib_e_ _ m____  h_  s__d_  __r_et_at_d  by  S_i__rs
    L__t_ _ne Fa___i_g __uc__ _e_a_d __ __un__
    _lea__ ret___ __ Pe___ G_en_il_e-Wyndh_m_ ___w_ ___o_ist and Ar______
  18. ploki122

    ploki122 Member

    new batch incoming!
    __wa_e  t__  Cru_tbore__  __  _a_n'_  a  go_d  _de_  A_  _L_.
    Beware the Crustbored, it wasn't a good idea AT ALL.
    ~I doubt my crustbored...

    L___:  o__  __in__n_ ___ch.  ____rd
    __  _ou___  P__a__  ______  __  _e__y  Gr_nvi____Wy__ha__ kno_n
    Hed_n_s_ _nd  A__is___
    ~The only one that was way too confusing for me to even attempt at trolling an answer...

    We  _i____d  t_e _rea__re_  f_r  stu__  __c_
    __  __e  ___i__l,  __t  _ome___n_  terri_le  ha__e_e_ __
    ___  ___pl_  ze____in  h___.__
    We pickled the creatures for study back at the Capitol, but something terrible happened on the supply zeppelin home...
    ~Repost with more letters

    _o  ___  eas_:  ___  s_a_  To  the  nor_h_  _r_e_  _nd
    s__mp.  __  __e  _outh:  f___ste_  b__.
    To  t_e  e_st_  t__  s___  T_  _h_  _or__:  t___s  _n_
    _wa_p.  _o  t__  __u_h_  _or_____  b__.
    To the east: the sea. To the north: trees and swamp. To the south: forested bog.
    ~Repost with more letters

    _  _eal__y  __a_  o_  __phal____s  _s  to  __
    e__ou__ged  _n _ver_ y_un_  __tu_____t_
    A healthy span of cephalaspis is to be encouraged in every young naturalist.
    ~I'm pretty sure this isn't the solution... but cephalaspis is the only word that the internet knows with these letters... I still think we have a solid base.

    _e  al_  b_lieved  ___t  ___thin_  ___t  g___e_
    __  pre_t___  _ust  _e  har__es___.
    We all believed that anything that garbed in prestige must be harmless...

    From  o_t_i__  __  time  a_d  __ac__  ____  p___u_ _s_
    From ostrich of time and abacus with pablum as.
    ~ok I bs'd that one but I really liked my ostrich of time...

    __e  s_ldiers  were  _e_tl_  _i_k_ed  f__  e___
    _ra____rt  to  t__  col_n__  _  _t__l  __e_  th_ v__e__r
    _n  my  ___  can___
    ~Don't have the slightest clue what this one might translate to... but it reminded me of Wind of Change... Kudos Gaslamp!
  19. Jensling

    Jensling Member

    I found more letter for this one:
    A h__lt_ f__r __ ce____o__d_ i_ __ __
    e__o_____d __ __e_y yo___ na__ra_i_t_
    leading to the answer: "A healthy fear of cephalopods is to be encouraged in every young naturalist."

    Also found more letters to one I posted earlier which now looks like:
    Lord Palme_stok_s e_itori_l __l_ m_
    _hat this __s _mpossible_ _ m____ he said, __r_et_at_d by Sail_rs
    which I've come to interpret as:"Lord Palmerstokes editorial told me that this was impossible, I might, he said, perpetuated by Sailors"
  20. Jacq

    Jacq Member

    I'm too lazy to type it out :S
    (thought it was funny these were right beside each other, though.


    ... it doesn't make sense, but at least it's ominous!

    Sorry... Maybe I'm mistaken, I haven't seen it again. :(