The Official Drunken Boxing Brainstorming Thread

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Essence, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    You need to use "requirebuffontrigger" parameter too, otherwise the game doesn't know it's supposed to check for any buffs at all.
  2. Isc4riot

    Isc4riot Member

    Yes yes I know that and it was included I just didn't want to type it out. The problem is, its as if the game didnt even recognize the Fuelled by Booze buff so I was wondering whether it has some special name or something.
  3. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Oh, right, you mean that particular buff...

    Yeah, the drinking buff and the eating buff are special ones.
  4. ProtoMan

    ProtoMan Member

    Buzz kill- removes the "Fuelled by booze" buff for either a big AOE attack or a buff.
  5. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    OK! It took way too long for me to find the time to get this done, but this has been coded. It won't be functional until I find time to make the icons (or I can find some wonderful person to do icons for me, nudge-nudge wink-wink), but this is validated, so it's as done as it can be until that happens. :)

    <skill name="Drunken Boxing" id="611" type="rogue" description="Get drunk. Hit stuff. Maybe spit fire. Everything else is details."> 
    <loadout type="booze" amount="3" always="1"/>
    <art icon="skills/Drunken_Boxing64.png"/>
    <ability name="Drunken Boxing" skill="611" icon="skills/Drunken_Boxing64.png" startSkill="1">
    <description text="Get drunk. Hit stuff. Maybe spit fire. Everything else is details."/> 
    <ability name="Drunken Stance" icon="skills/Drunken_Boxing64.png" skill="611" level="0">
    <description text="When you drink, you unconciously start fighting in a unique and difficult-to-describe style. You kick a lot of butt, but it's hard to explain why or how."/>
    <boozeBuff percentage="100" name="Drunken Stance"/>
    <primarybuff id="4" amount="1"/>
    <ability name="Kung Fu Chaser" icon="skills/Kung_Fu_Chaser64.png" skill="611" level="1">
    <description text="If you follow up a drink with another drink, you start kicking even more ass. It's like your liver and your adrenal glands get together and have a massive party."/>
    <boozebuff percentage="100" name="Kung Fu Chaser Trigger"/>
    <primarybuff id="4" amount="1"/>
    <ability name="Staggerstep" downtime="1" icon="skills/Staggerstep64.png" skill="611" level="2">
    <description text="When you participate in combat, you move erratically, often moving into enemies and 'inadvertently' attacking them as you stumble about."/>
    <spell name="Staggerstep"/>
    <primarybuff id="4" amount="1"/>
    <ability name="Arbitrarily Long-Titled Zany Drunken Martial Arts Technique" icon="skills/ALTZDMAT64.png" skill="611" level="3"/>
    <description text="You have mastered such a huge repertoire of crazy martial arts moves that you don't even really distinguish between them anymore. Click this button, shout something about stealing a peach, and hit them where it hurts."/>
    <spell name="Arbitrarily Long-Titled Zany Drunken Martial Arts Technique"/>
    <boozeBuff percentage="100" spell="Booze Is Life"/>
    <primarybuff id="4" amount="1"/>
    <ability name="Drunken Celestial Fire Surround!" icon="skills/DrunkenFireSurround64.png" skill="611" level="4"/>
    <description text="You have reached the penultimate stage of drunken mastery -- every time you drink, you breathe a blast of alcohol-feuled fire in all directions. It's surprisingly effective given that you still get just as drunk as you used to despite exhaling all that burning booze."/>
    <boozeBuff percentage="100" spell="Drunken Celestial Fire Surround!"/>
    <primarybuff id="4" amount="1"/>
    <ability name="Inebriate Uber-Combo" icon="skills/InebriateUberCombo64.png" skill="611" level="4"/>
    <description text="When you're already fully vested in your Drunken Style, slam one more booze to take it to the final level. In Uber-Combo state, you don't hit as hard, but you hit a hell of a lot more often when you hit. It's pretty much Jackie Chan time."/>
    <boozeBuff percentage="100" spell="Inebriate Uber-Combo"/>
    <primarybuff id="4" amount="5"/>

    <spell name="Drunken Stance" type="self">
    <buff usetimer="0" allowStacking="0" icon="skills/DrunkenStance64.png" smallicon="skills/DrunkenStance32.png">
    <secondarybuff id="2" amount="-4"/>
    <secondarybuff id="4" amount="20"/>
    <secondarybuff id="8" amount="10"/>
    <secondarybuff id="6" amount="10"/>
    <description text="You've gotten drunk, and with it, entered the state of extreme nonsobriety the ancient Monks of Shaolin used to call 'totally fucked up'. Amazingly, your Kung Fu is strong enough that you can maintain this state even if you stop being drunk."/>
    <spell name="End Kung Fu Chased" type="self">
    <effect type="removebuffbyname" name="Kung Fu Chased"/>
    <spell name="Kung Fu Chased Ender" type="self">
    <effect type="trigger" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="Fuelled by Booze" spell="Kung Fu Chased Ender" amount="2"/>
    <effect type="trigger" requirebuffonnotrigger="1" requirebuffonnottriggername="Fuelled by Booze" spell="End Kung Fu Chased" amount="1"/>
    <spell name="Kung Fu Chased" type="self">
    <buff usetimer="0" allowStacking="0" icon="skills/KungFuChaser64.png" smallicon="skills/KungFuChaser32.png">
    <secondarybuff id="13" amount="13"/>
    <secondarybuff id="4" amount="5"/>
    <secondarybuff id="8" amount="5"/>
    <secondarybuff id="6" amount="10"/>
    <damagebuff blasting="4"/>
    <playerHitEffectBuff percentage="9" spell="End Kung Fu Chased"/>
    <description text="Just when you thought you couldn't drink any did. It's your enemies, however, that are feeling the pain. Unlike your normal drunken boxing, this state actually requires you to keep being shitfaced while you use it."/>
    <effect type="trigger" spell="Kung Fu Chased Ender"/>
    <spell name="Kung Fu Chaser" type="self">
    <effect type="trigger" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="Fuelled by Booze" spell="Kung Fu Chased"/>
    <spell name="StumbleNorth" type="template" templateID="4524"/>
    <effect type="damage" crushing="1" crushingF="1" primaryScale="0"/>
    <effect type="knock" resistable="0"/>
    <effect type="teleport" skipAnimation="1"/>
    <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/null" frames="1" firstframe="0" framerate="120" sfx="unarmed_attack_01" />
    <spell name="StumbleSouth" type="template" templateID="4525"/>
    <effect type="damage" crushing="1" crushingF="1" primaryScale="0"/>
    <effect type="knock" resistable="0"/>
    <effect type="teleport" skipAnimation="1"/>
    <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/null" frames="1" firstframe="0" framerate="120" sfx="unarmed_attack_01" />
    <spell name="StumbleWest" type="template" templateID="4526"/>
    <effect type="damage" crushing="1" crushingF="1" primaryScale="0"/>
    <effect type="knock" resistable="0"/>
    <effect type="teleport" skipAnimation="1"/>
    <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/null" frames="1" firstframe="0" framerate="120" sfx="unarmed_attack_01" />
    <spell name="StumbleEast" type="template" templateID="4527"/>
    <effect type="damage" crushing="1" crushingF="1" primaryScale="0"/>
    <effect type="knock" resistable="0"/>
    <effect type="teleport" skipAnimation="1"/>
    <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/null" frames="1" firstframe="0" framerate="120" sfx="unarmed_attack_01" />
    <spell name="StumbleUpon" type="self">
    <effect type="triggereffectfromlist">
    <option name="StumbleNorth"/>
    <option name="StumbleSouth"/>
    <option name="StumbleWest"/>
    <option name="StumbleEast"/>
    <option name="Sorry!"/>
    <option name="Sorry!"/>
    <spell name="Staggerstep" type="self" icon="skills/Staggerstep64.png"/>
    <buff usetimer="0" removable="1" icon="skills/Staggerstep64.png" smallicon="skills/Staggerstep32.png">
    <playerHitEffectBuff name="StumbleUpon" percentage="25"/>
    <targetHitEffectBuff name="StumbleUpon"/>
    <description text="Now it's time to get loose -- Footloose."/>
    <spell name="Arbitrarily Long-Titled Zany Drunken Martial Arts Technique" type="adjacent" icon="ALTZDMAT64.png" attack="1">
    <effect type="damage" crushing="1" crushingF=".2" primaryScale="4" percent="10"/>
    <effect type="damage" piercing="1" piercingF=".2" primaryScale="4" percent="10"/>
    <effect type="damage" blasting="1" blastingF=".2" primaryScale="4" percent="10"/>
    <effect type="damage" aethereal="1" aetherealF=".2" primaryScale="4" percent="10"/>
    <effect type="knock" percent="10"/>
    <effect type="lockdown" amount="12" percent="10"/>
    <effect type="blind" percent="10"/>
    <effect type="fear" percent="10"/>
    <effect type="paralyze" amount="3" percent="10"/>
    <effect type="pacify" percent="10"/>
    <spell name="Booze Is Life" type="self">
    <effect type="grantXP" amount="12"/>
    <spell name="DCFS!1" type="template" templateID="09" anchored="1">
    <effect type="damage" conflagratory="9" aethereal="2"/>
    <spell name="DCFS!2" type="template" templateID="4527" anchored="1">
    <effect type="damage" conflagratory="6" conflagratoryF=".3" primaryScale="3" />
    <effect type="damage" aethereal="1" aetherealF=".2"/>
    <spell name="Drunken Celestial Fire Surround!" type="self">
    <effect type="trigger" spell="DCFS!1"/>
    <effect type="trigger" spell="DCFS!2"/>
    <effect type="drainCasterMana" amount="50"/>
    <spell name="End Inebriate UberCombo" type="self">
    <effect type="removebuffbyname" name="Inebriate UberCombo"/>
    <spell name="Inebriate UberCombo Ender" type="self">
    <effect type="trigger" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="Fuelled by Booze" spell="Inebriate UberCombo Ender" amount="2"/>
    <effect type="trigger" requirebuffonnotrigger="1" requirebuffonnottriggername="Fuelled by Booze" spell="End Inebriate UberCombo" amount="1"/>
    <spell name="Inebriate UberCombo" type="self">
    <buff usetimer="0" allowStacking="0" icon="skills/InebriateUberCombo64.png" smallicon="skills/InebriateUberCombo32.png">
    <secondarybuff id="2" amount="-8"/>
    <multibuff amount="3"/>
    <playerHitEffectBuff percentage="9" spell="End Inebriate UberCombo"/>
    <description text="You have achieved the pinnacle of drunken boxing, moving so quickly and unpredictably that you are able to land three blows for your enemy's one. Granted, it takes a LOT of booze to get here...but it's so WORTH IT."/>
    <effect type="trigger" spell="Inebriate UberCombo Ender"/>
    <spell name="Inebriate Uber-Combo" type="self">
    <effect type="trigger" requirebuffontrigger="1" requirebuffontriggername="Kung Fu Chased" spell="Inebriate UberCombo"/>
    <effect type="removebuffbyname" name="Kung Fu Chased"/>
    Werediggler and OmniNegro like this.