The game needs more food

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Warlock, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. Giygas

    Giygas Member

    Plastic Ore+Plastic Ingot+Alchemical Ooze+Aged Steak=Big Mac.

    I wasn't being serious on that one, but if you guys like it... (obviously the name will have to go)
  2. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    How about:

    Ground Meat + Offal + Alchemical Ooze= Hot Dog
  3. Arron Syaoran

    Arron Syaoran Member

    Alchemical Ooze is not a salad dressing, nor is it mustard. Has anyone even tried plastic lettuce?
  4. Turbo164

    Turbo164 Member

    Lutefisk + Booze + Booze + Booze = Slightly More Appetizing Lutefisk
    TheJadedMieu, Giygas and eskr like this.
  5. Warlock

    Warlock Member

    ...this is a game where we get perfectly edible omelets from an ingot press. I don't think something like that would be impossible in the Dredmorverse.
  6. Loerwyn

    Loerwyn Member

    Being English, Mashed Potatoes + Ground Meat = Cottage Pie.
  7. Arron Syaoran

    Arron Syaoran Member

    That explains why Grog doesn't seem to kill you when you drink it. Then again, Diggle Juice has Ascorbic, Citrus and Sulfuric acids.
  8. Aegho

    Aegho Member

    Well... Grog was originally just dilluted rum, and is still used as a word for mixed drink in swedish. But the diggle juice thing makes me think of:
  9. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    I'd like to see lemons added to the game (stats would be identical to the plum, pear and apple). Lemons have a lot of potential for new crafting recipes and derived items, such as:

    Lemon + Infernal Potion(???) = Combustible Lemon that Burns your House Down (thrown weapon)
    Lemon + Copper Ingot + Zinc Ingot = Voltaic Cell
    Lemon + Aqua Vitae + Solution of Gold = Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster
    Vitellozzo likes this.
  10. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    I even typed everything up, stat-wise. All they need to do is add icon files.

    <item name="Lemon" iconFile="?" level="3">
    <price amount="11"/>
    <food hp="5" />
    <!--- <description text="Sour!"/> --->
    <description text="When life gives you these, make lemonade. (Or demand to see the manager. Whatever.)"/>

    <item name="Combustible Lemon" iconFile="?" level="3" type="5" maxstack="6" >
    <price amount="160"/> <!-- ??? -->
    <weapon conflagratory="2" acidic="1" crushing="1" thrown="items/thrown_grenade.png" hit="Thermite Center" canTargetFloor="1"/>
    <description text="DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!? I am the man who is going to burn your house down! With the lemons!"/>

    <output skill="1" name="Voltaic Cell" amount="1" />
    <output skill="2" name="Voltaic Cell" amount="2" />
    <output skill="3" name="Voltaic Cell" amount="3" />
    <output skill="5" name="Voltaic Cell" amount="4" />
    <tool tag="tinkerer"/>
    <input name="Lemon"/>
    <input name="Zinc Ingot"/>
    <input name="Copper Ingot"/>

    <craft hidden="1">
    <output skill="1" name="Voltaic Cell" amount="1" />
    <output skill="2" name="Voltaic Cell" amount="2" />
    <output skill="3" name="Voltaic Cell" amount="3" />
    <output skill="5" name="Voltaic Cell" amount="4" />
    <tool tag="alchemy"/>
    <input name="Lemon"/>
    <input name="Zinc Ingot"/>
    <input name="Copper Ingot"/>

    <craft hidden="1">
    <output skill="4" name="Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster" amount="1" />
    <tool tag="still"/>
    <input name="Lemon"/>
    <input name="Solution of Gold"/>
    <input name="Aqua Vitae"/>

    <craft hidden="1">
    <output skill="2" name="Combustible Lemon" amount="1" />
    <output skill="3" name="Combustible Lemon" amount="2" />
    <output skill="5" name="Combustible Lemon" amount="3" />
    <output skill="7" name="Combustible Lemon" amount="4" />
    <tool tag="alchemy"/>
    <input name="Lemon"/>
    <input name="Brimstone"/>
    <input name="Bituminous Coal"/>
  11. Bohandas

    Bohandas Member

    I'd like to see some official stuff though.

    (BTW do any of those mods include food and drink that have extra effects like the Root of T'Char, Dwarven Gut-Rot, and Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster do? We need more stuff like that. Like a Burrito that creates a Noxious Brimstone Cloud effect when eaten)
  12. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    Get FaxPax, Bohandas. It adds crazy foods and booze.