The Dredmor Launcher Launcher

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Glazed, Jul 10, 2012.

  1. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    The Dredmor Launcher Launcher! It's a launcher that launches the Dredmor Launcher. It even has an option to skip the Dredmor Launcher and go straight to the game. In which case it's not necessarily always a launcher launcher, but sometimes just a launcher! Now that I've semantically saturated your brain with the word "launcher", I'll explain what this is without using that word.

    Nicholas recently revealed to us that Dredmor has many more command line arguments than any of us modders knew about. Some of them let you launch the game directly into a new game using your last build (or random build), while selecting the name, gender, difficulty, permadeath, and No Time to Grind options.

    This is a fantastic features for modders who want to try out their spells or rooms, quit the game, tweak their mod, then try it all over again. It's kind of a pain to use shortcuts or batch files to supply Dredmor with these command line arguments, so I made an app that does it for you!

    Here's a screenshot of the current version:


    You select the options you want then click Start and the game opens. Then the Start button changes to a Stop button. Clicking it again will terminate the DoD process (Without saving! It just kills it, so be careful) Then you can click Start again to repeat, or tweak options first.

    Features in detail:
    • Debug Mode enables the debugging console window and hotkeys. (You can find more info about debug mode elsewhere in these forums or the dredmod wiki.)
    • Steam Workshop Uploader runs the game in publish mode for publishing your mod. This supersedes all other options.
    • Skip Configuration skips the Dredmor Launcher (where you choose screen size and mods) and executes the game directly. This occurs in a relatively small window. (Future versions of my app may add the fullscreen option.)
    • Test Room allows you to specify a room name and starting coordinates for testing a specific room. Any new game created will start your character in that room, and there will be no exits. It's just for testing.
    • If Quick Launch is enabled the game will launch directly into a new game instead of showing you the main menu. The rest of the options below that control the settings for the new game. Currently, there is no option to turn Realm of the Diggle Gods on or off, and I don't even know if this will launch with it active or not.
    Make sure you set the path correctly at the top. It defaults to the 32 bit Program Files folder on a 64 bit machine. Currently, it does not remember whatever you enter in there. It might in the future. There are some other command line parameters that I may add support for as well.

    You need .Net 4.0 installed to run this.

    Attached Files:

    SkyMuffin, mining, Daynab and 4 others like this.
  2. Even if I never use this, it stands on its own as a nifty productivity enhancer. That test room feature alone sounds great for mod QA. Or crash diagnostics.
  3. Glazed

    Glazed Member

    Test Room is very handy. That's one we've known about for a long time. It's the quick launch option that we didn't know about until yesterday.
  4. mining

    mining Member

    Can we by any chance set the icon to a picture of [​IMG]

    Edit: Just for giggles, really.
    zellking and Werediggler like this.