Terrain black problem

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by legion1202, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. legion1202

    legion1202 Member

    I have win8.1, nvidia gtx ti.

    I just bought the game and when I start a new game i see trees and people but the terrain is black.. Help please!
  2. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    The first thing to check is that your game is using your NVidia, and not using your computer's integrated processor (I often have to set that the first time I run a new game). If you haven't done that, you can do so via your NVidia control panel. Make sure Clockwork Empires.exe is forced to use your NVidia card.
  3. legion1202

    legion1202 Member

    how do you do that?
  4. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    Assuming you're on a Windows machine, you can actually right-click on the desktop. One of the items in the context menu should be 'NVidia Control Panel'.

    Once you're in there, select 'Manage 3D settings' on the left.

    Then, on the right, select the 'Program Settings' tab.

    From the first drop-down menu (1. Select a program to customize), find Clockwork Empires.exe. If it's not there, you need to click that 'Add' button, and specify the install path where the .exe is.

    Then, in the second drop-down menu (2. Select the preferred graphics processor for this program), make sure it's set to your NVidia processor, instead of the other options.

    Save and quit, next time you run CE, it should be forced to use your NVidia processor. Hopefully that was the issue.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2014
  5. legion1202

    legion1202 Member

    ok btw i have only 1 card on the computer which is a nvidia gtx. and i`m sad to say it did not work =(
  6. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    We've just eliminated one potential source of problems (which is that sometimes programs try to use your integrated processor rather than your NVidia). At this point, you need to look into more common issues; make sure your drivers are up to date, etc. It might be helpful for you to post a screenshot or dxdiag.
  7. legion1202

    legion1202 Member

    here is my dxdiag

    Attached Files:

  8. legion1202

    legion1202 Member

    my nvidia drivers are up to date as well
  9. Alephred

    Alephred Royal Archivist for Queen And Empire

    Oo, one thing you should try is verifying your installation. There's a guy on the Steam forums for CE that described your exact problem, and the Dev suggestion was to verify his game cache, because his installation was apparently missing some files.

    Specifically, check to see that deferred.inl is not missing from your shaders\ directory

    From that post:
  10. rydash

    rydash Member

    What you can also try is to delete the file at %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Gaslamp Games\Clockwork Empires\config.xml. Steam should re-generate it, and it may fix your issue.

    (The terrain issue you describe can occur from Terrain Quality getting turned from something other than 'High' or Ambient Occlusion getting turned Off. Deleting this file should reset those values.)
  11. legion1202

    legion1202 Member

    bingo. deleted the said file and it works thanks!
  12. Cogmachine

    Cogmachine Member

    i tried to do this to see if my game would run faster but still it is slow :(