Linux 64-bit Temporary (possible) solution for CtD

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by fana-m, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. fana-m

    fana-m Member

    Hey, since i'm affected by the CtD problems of DoD too i've made some searching...

    the source for the CtD's that happens most in the time is a difference with the case of the path strings in the config xml's and the real path leading to the file...

    i won't blame any of the dev's (im thankfull for this game, gave me some funny hours)
    its a huge database where its no problem for a small typo to sneak in...

    finally i found something... it let a user mount a linux folder without case sensitivity

    1. install fuse
    2. install ciopfs (maybe its in the repro, for arch user its in AUR)
    3. mkdir -p ~/ciopfs/{.data,case-insensitive}
    4. ciopfs ~/ciopfs/.data ~/ciopfs/case-insensitive
    for Steam:
    5. mv ~/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/dungeons\ of\ dredmor ~/ciopfs/case-insensitive/dungeons\ of\ dredmor
    6. ln -s ~/ciopfs/case-insensitive/dungeons\ of\ dredmor ~/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/dungeons\ of\ dredmor
    made a test before doing the move
    i renamed DoD/sprites/diggle to Diggle (one of the first loaded monsters)
    this gave me a CtD instantly uppon entering the dungeon
    with the same name it does'nt crash from the ciopfs location

    hope you can follow this guide ^^