OS X Lion Stack of fine steel swords

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Karfir, Dec 20, 2011.

  1. Karfir

    Karfir Member


    I crafted my steel swords into fine steel swords, and they stacked when I did it. Now if I try to equip them, I equip the whole stack, and don't split. I tried to split them using ALT-click, but that didn't work, though I can split other things. Any advice?

  2. Velorien

    Velorien Member

    Could you craft them into two separate new items?

    Could you sell them to Brax and then buy them back and see if they separate?
  3. Karfir

    Karfir Member

    Yeah, I ended up crafting one into a katana. I ended up winning that game, but now I get a crash when trying to load any of my savegames.