Soldier Loadout Missing

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Rotgut, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. Rotgut

    Rotgut Member

    This was a problem for me in previous version too... I've played a few hours into 4 different games and every time I have problems with my troops finding weapons. My commodities list will show that I posses every type of firearm, even sabers yet I'm still constantly warned that my troops load-out is missing. Is this a bug or my misunderstanding how it works? I'd like to be able to tell my soldiers which weapon to use.
  2. berkstin

    berkstin Member

    One possible cause is that if you've killed any bandits outside of your 'town limits' their weapons will show in your inventory BUT will be marked as 'forbidden' items unless you right click on them and claim them.
  3. Rotgut

    Rotgut Member

    I've noticed the unclaimed weapons and claimed them. Watched as someone picked it up and placed in stockpile to collect dust while my soldiers complain about not having weapons. I haven't tried making my own weapons, maybe that's the trick. By the time I make a metal works I already have dozens of guns and haven't felt the need to produce them myself.
  4. berkstin

    berkstin Member

    Then that definitely sounds like a bug. My soldiers seem fine with claiming bandit guns as long as they aren't marked as forbidden. My problem is getting them to switch to the shiny new revolvers and carbines I make..