Save&Continue fills(!) up mana

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Kaoschan, Dec 18, 2011.

  1. Kaoschan

    Kaoschan Member

    I was fighting and fighting and fighting and somehow (don't ask me how ... i'm no mage and don't have stuff like that) i got a nice buff which drains 1 mana per 4 turn.

    After some time my mana was running very low (i got 65 mana and 8 of these are from the buff)

    I was under 5 mana and after pressing Save&Continue my Mana got filled up to 12. And i was able to repeat it even after completly closing DoD.

    most likly related to this bug - - just in reverse

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  2. Velorien

    Velorien Member

    You must have drunk a Pan-Galactic Gargleblaster, which gives you the Syzygy buff (identical to the Syzygy spell in Astrology).

    You can tell DoD isn't a "proper" Roguelike because you drunk something without knowing what it did, and yet you are still alive.
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