Satanic Portals not linked + Throwing Buffalo Technique (Kick Lvl 2) = Stuck

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Yimmeryams, Jul 18, 2011.

  1. Yimmeryams

    Yimmeryams Member

    EDIT: Original Title was "Throwing Buffalo Technique (Kick Lvl 2) + Trap = Trap gets knocked back"
    The trap gets knocked back as if it were an enemy when you use Throwing Buffalo Technique on its square, enemy or not. I'm not sure if this is intended.
  2. TopHatCat

    TopHatCat Member

    All of the "Knock-back" effects work on objects too, be them traps or iron bars. If they are on the same tile anyway...

    If you ment it went You > Enemy > Space > Trap.. Then that's abit buggy, as you should be able to knock them back into it.
  3. Yimmeryams

    Yimmeryams Member

    Cool. However, on further testing, I can kick things through walls. This has already been reported multiple times, I believe.

    It just seemed weird that traps would move along with everything else. Thanks for the tip.
  4. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Wasn't exactly intended, but back when we added knockback and *everything* would get sent across the room we thought it was hilarious so we left it in. Plus, it's a legitimate game mechanic for a non-tinkerer/burglar/archaeologist to deal with traps.

    At least you can't kick doors out of their frame anymore. (Or stairs across the room. Yeah.)
  5. Yimmeryams

    Yimmeryams Member

    Example of other odd kicks:

    Player ; Candelabra ; Empty ; Chest ; Empty ; Wall
    Initiate Buffalo
    Player ; Empty ; Empty ; Chest ; Candelabra ; Wall

    Wall ; Empty ; Wall ; Nest ; Player
    Initiate Buffalo
    Wall ; Nest ; Wall ; Empty ; Player
  6. Yimmeryams

    Yimmeryams Member

    Also, kicking Gargoyle Arrow Traps generate additional gargoyle heads.
  7. Tacroy

    Tacroy Member

    One bug: although it's made to look like the satanic teleportation runes are paired (that is, step on A, go to B; step on B, go to A), they're really not. They don't actually link two points, each one actually teleports you to an absolute location in the level which just happens to be the location of its "paired" teleportation rune.

    Thus, if you kick teleport rune A somewhere, and then step on teleport rune B, you won't be teleported to rune A as expected - you'll be teleported to where A was before being kicked.

    Since there's no way to avoid teleportation, it's possible to block yourself off from areas if you're not careful with this. Kicking a teleport rune into a the corner of a narrow corridor, for instance, will make the rest of the corridor inaccessible since you can't get past without stepping on the rune, and trying to teleport from the other end will put you in the rune's original position.