Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by Nicholas, Jun 15, 2015.

  1. Tarod

    Tarod Member

    I got this a bit later. I couldn't find out how to copy the text out.

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    • bug.png
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      2.9 MB
  2. Tarod

    Tarod Member

    The main reason I noticed is that i'm getting out of supply warnings.
  3. Kiojan

    Kiojan Member

    Really? My soldiers never seem to use them up. I still have 2 crates after 56 days and I have a decent sized army. Then again, there isn't quite as much combat as there used to be...
  4. Tarod

    Tarod Member

    I think it's because I have more squads than supply crates total.
  5. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    This is now fixed for the next patch! Thanks for the report.
  6. Danl

    Danl Member

    Marvellous! Hats of to you, sir.
  7. ok, is it a balance problem or a bug? :/

    Netherless, quite a HUGE bandit... Now I can make longpork pies for everyone! :D

    Edit: A popular cultural event in the remote colonies: the Longpok festival!

    Edit 2: Even Tourists from overseas! Well, underseas...

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    Last edited: Jun 19, 2015
  8. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Uh oh. I know exactly what this is - when bandits are harvested, they don't mark that they've been harvested. Soooo ... yeah.

    Oh god.
  9. ok, as soon as I recieved my AWESOME landmine, I got this magnificent additional gift. I don't really know if they are related though...

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  10. Ok, I'm a Sunless Sea player... Is it intended? :D

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  11. dbaumgart

    dbaumgart Art Director Staff Member

    Gave these events all a cleanup & tested them -- this shouldn't happen in the next patch!
    Cthulhu_Awaits likes this.
  12. Wolg

    Wolg Member

    Issue: the ticker now spams the name change message twice per second, apparently indefinitely.
  13. I also found a really interesting pace where I have to send an expedition...

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  14. Wolg

    Wolg Member

    Could the "hassle *fishperson" jobs tasks take into account the distance from civilisation, or be weight balanced against return to civilisation? Just had a NCO chase a crop destroying fishperson right to the end of the world, ignoring their own hunger, until the fleeing nonhuman triggered a script error trying to path off the edge.
  15. Sethiusdraven

    Sethiusdraven Member

    I generally play the game zoomed way out so I can oversee the overseers. Not liking having to zoom in 3 times to see the bubbles above ppls heads and really don't like to zoom that far in for progress bars. Bringing back to progress bars would be a plus, the bubbles I get there's a lot popping up etc etc. Perhaps a single zoom in from up on high at least plz.
  16. Worshipping the "Invisble Shrine" XD

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  17. Wolg

    Wolg Member

    In the released version I'd hope these levels were configurable. ;)
  18. this revision is great, I'm getting to play almost until the end of the game .. i was able to get 120 people, more than 30 overseers .. some bugs but completely preventable .. so great job so far guys !! One thing I've seen that would help a lot when you have a lot of material, for example I am at over 300 wheat item .. stacked 2 by 2 .. its 150 wheat sacs distributed by storage, it is very disorganized :(
    put a stack limit for items like 100 units per stack and place a button to stack items inside the storage window. to automatically stack items Placed on the storage ... will be awesome !! thanks a lot and keep the great job!

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  19. A really stable and enjoyable build! I really can't stop playing it... It gets a bit laggy once you get over 50 people, but it still works.
    I finally menaged to produce some Laudanum :D
    I got two workshops stuck and now they are pretty useless...
    I even managed to get back to positive prestige, a miracle :D (thanks to a pretty lucky wave of immigrants XD)

    P.S. i love the little details! "POISON" ;) And Laudanum is great! My only problem is the lack of sulphur...

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  20. Unforked

    Unforked Member

    Have you been able to "wake" them up? I'm really keen on seeing some active Obeliskians. But no luck so far.