Refocus Archery

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Nacho, Oct 13, 2012.

  1. Nacho

    Nacho Member

    I was looking through the wiki, and noticed you get a pretty high number of bolts per ingot- usually between 9 and 11 with low tinkering (1 or 2). Unlike thrown weapons, it doesn't need the ammo recovery that much. Instead, anyone wanting to focus on bolts would do better to take tinkering to increase the bolts they can craft. A few levels in that'll easily quadruple the bolts you have, and even without it, it's not hard to find yourself with over 100 bolts you don't really need. It would be nice if, instead of Ammo Recovery, Archery skill tree gave more damage bonuses, or some activated abilities (possibly something with knockback or to help you escape), or just some more sneaking.
  2. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    /noted for Essential Core Skills Rebalance II: Electric Bungalow.
    Kazeto likes this.