Windows Vista/7 64-bit Putting traps right in front of mobs = :(

Discussion in 'Bugs' started by Godwin, Dec 20, 2011.

  1. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    Hey all, how are you today? happy I hope?

    Bug: I put a trap (boulder drop, lvl 1), right in front of a sickly diggle. Next turn immediately came and the diggle was on top of the trap and unharmed. I slew the bastard, and another diggle came by and did trigger it. But imo the first one should already have trifggered it.

    Should be easy to reproduce

    bye :)
  2. blob

    blob Member

    Poor diggle was already sick and you play dirty tricks like that ? You should be ashamed. I say that was a morally justified bug.

    Godwin likes this.
  3. Nick

    Nick Member

    Isn't mobs have Trap Affinity or something, like we do? (chance on stepping without triggering)
  4. No they don't, and trap affinity doesn't do that. Sometimes your actions are too fast for the game to catch up to. For example, if there's a mob in a DoT like poison cloud it will get locked into place if you start walking without stopping.
  5. Blue

    Blue Member

    I think sneakiness is related to trap triggering.
  6. Godwin

    Godwin Member

    Ah that would be great if that could be fixed too, didn't know, thanks.