pipes, how they work

Discussion in 'Clockwork Empires General' started by mailersmate, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. mailersmate

    mailersmate Member

    Following the pipes blog post I had a couple of questions:

    1. Are piped resources going to improve building efficiency / open up new abilities?
    2. Can piped resources be pooled / stored?
    3. Can pipes travel between colonies?
    4. Are pipes going to be integrated into any mega projects (I love the idea of a huge central structure with pipes radiating out!)
    5. How many pipe-able resources are you planning on?

    Obviously I understand you can't give definitive answers yet, I'm just after a general feeling.

    Finally, please, please leave the door open for modding new pipe connections and pipe - able resources!
    Zentay likes this.