Persistent effects for Foreign Invasion and other events

Discussion in 'Design Suggestions' started by Cheshire, Nov 11, 2016.

  1. Cheshire

    Cheshire Member

    To preface this, I've had 69 hours in this game so far and I'm really enjoying it.
    However, one thing I've noticed is that events do not have a persistent or significant impact on the game.

    For example, for the Foreign Invasion event, if you win, all you get is some praise and standing while if you lose, you lose standing. These rewards and punishments are something that happens in the course of using the Foreign Office. The only other 'real' effects of losing are dead colonists and mood debuffs.

    As such, to make the events more impactful and rewarding, I suggest the following:


    Foreign Invasion:
    On winning:
    Gain 'Victorious Monument (Foreign Invasion)' module that gives a happy buff when viewed/in the area
    Gain 'Flourishing Trade' persistent event that increases frequency/number of traders
    Gain 'War Reparations' one-time event that gives materials to rebuild your city (timber, stone, bricks, etc.)
    Gain 'Colonists Triumphant' mood buff that gives a happiness buff to all colonists (extra buffs for soldiers)
    Gain 'Safe Haven' one-time event that gives you overseers and labourers
    Gain 'War Hero' attribute buff to surviving Soldiers that +1 to their Military ability (over maximum of 5)

    On failing:
    Gain 'Occupied by _____ (Foreign Power)' persistent event that places enemy troops in your base
    Gain 'Paying Tribute' persistent event that allows Occupying Power to remove certain materials at intervals (i.e. every 5 days)
    Gain 'Oppressed' mood debuff that gives a anger+depressed debuff to all colonists

    Follow-up Option:
    Give 'Revolution' option to fight against the Occupying Power and become part of the Clockwork Empire again
    Killing all occupying enemy troops removes all debuffs


    Obeliskian Cultists:
    (some form of 'channeling' progress bar can be included, with each stage progessively harder to interrupt)

    Start of Worshipping
    On succeeding:
    Gain 'Cease and Desist' one-time event that gives a Minor Occult Manifestation with minimal rewards

    On failing:
    Gain 'Quaggaroth Tosses' event that gives a Minor Occult Manifestation while progress increases
    Gain 'Unexplained Dread' mood debuff that gives a minor fear debuff to all non-occultists
    Gain 'Obeliskian Calling' mood buff that gives a minor happiness buff to all occultists

    Continued Worshipping
    On succeeding:
    Gain 'Ritual Broken' one-time event that gives a Medium Occult Manifestation with decent rewards (perhaps ore-based such as some Tenebrous Blocks or Ores)

    On failing:
    Gain 'Quaggaroth Turns' event that gives a Medium Occult Manifestation while progress increases
    Gain 'Eldritch Doom' mood debuff that gives a major fear debuff to all non-occultists
    Gain 'Quaggaroth Cometh' mood buff that gives a major happiness buff to all occultists

    End of Worshipping
    On succeeding:
    Gain 'Doom Averted' one-time event that gives a Major Occult Manifestation with large rewards

    On failing:
    Gain 'Quaggaroth Awakens' one-time event that gives a Major Occult Manifestation + Quaggaroth
    Gain 'Eldritch Transformation' one-time event that transforms all cultists into Obeliskians
    Gain 'Obeliskian Terror' that gives maximum fear debuff to all non-occultists

    Follow-up Option:
    If losing, gain 'Final Stand' option that allows all colonists (except Craven) to fight Obeliskians

    Final Battle
    On succeeding:
    Gain "Victorious Monument (Quaggaroth)" module that reduces fear when viewed/in an AoE
    Gain 'Occult-Free' persistent event that reduces likelihood/speed of occult activity
    Gain 'Colonists Triumphant' mood buff that gives a happiness buff to all colonists (extra buffs for soldiers/vicars)
    Gain 'Eldritch Technology' technology that gives different recipes for Tenebrous Blocks


    Note, this are just suggestions and can be modified/implemented part-wise.

    Tell me what you guys think and if you all like it I'll do a few more!
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2016
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