Official Sunstone Games Forums are now live!

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by Mr_Strange, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. Mr_Strange

    Mr_Strange Member

    The long-awaited design forums for Kaiju Combat, as well as new forums for Sun Stones, and the upcoming board game Mass Victory!

    I'd love to see some familiar faces over there. We've been live for about 4 hours, so things are still a bit sparse - help us get the conversations rolling!
    SkyMuffin and Daynab like this.
  2. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

  3. Mr_Strange

    Mr_Strange Member

    You may notice that the forum visuals / style / tech are "very similar" to Gaslamp forums. Thanks to deek (and others) who helped me get started! Gaslamp forums & community are the best I've ever encountered, so here's hoping some of that rubs off!
  4. jsusuja

    jsusuja Member

    I am caste jsusuja and i watch your tread and when i read your description one question in my mind that which type of sunstone games support and i also want to know about its feature.