New feature/bugfix for "walking with WASD" option

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by GreyZ0mbie, May 2, 2012.

  1. GreyZ0mbie

    GreyZ0mbie Member

    I'm not a frequent guest on the forum, so may already be, but I want to offer a new feature/bugfix for movement with wasd-keys.
    I'm talking about "move as combat/use" option. Personally, I really liked this feature..! :) But now, when hero trying to movement in the direction of the trap, the hero just doing step, trigger it and blow up. Would not it be better to make the dialogue about disarm trap?
    Btw, hero doesnt do attempt to open chests and some other actions. It will be good to correct it. And, i guess, bind yes/no dialog to enter/esc keys are good idea too.
    I think, full keyboard-control (or very close to full) will be helpful to play on lectures :D
    Thank you very much, have a nice day.
    OmniNegro, FaxCelestis and SkyMuffin like this.
  2. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    i like this idea.

    maybe you could set yes/no to Q and E? WASD to move, q and e to select popup options
    GreyZ0mbie likes this.
  3. Daynab

    Daynab Community Moderator Staff Member

    But... wouldn't that make it impossible to step on traps? (nevermind the fact that you already can't with click to move) may as well then just remove them, no?
  4. Aquaman

    Aquaman Member

    I think a better solution would be if traps despite mouse or keyboard, when stepped on/clicked on automatically attempts to disarm the trap.
    Success=placed in inventory or disappears and fail=kaboom.
    Skip the would you like to disarm the trap screen entirely.

    Similarly make it so that if you are adjacent to a trap, it displays your chance of disarming it. This might be done by a %# hovering over the trap. Or displayed in the log.
    r_b_bergstrom and Daynab like this.
  5. Karock

    Karock Member

    Honestly I like that Aquaman. I would rather see something like a -1 :trap_level: penalty to 'walk over disarming' though and leave clicking almost how it is. Clicking just needs to be changed so that if you can't -see- the trap, you will walk over it even when clicking.

    Though I wouldn't be against adjacent clicking automatically trying to disarm the trap without a confirmation box.
  6. GreyZ0mbie

    GreyZ0mbie Member

    Okay, i have yet another idea for "finding traps". Ctrl+move key in direction of trap - and there will be dialog for disarm. And ctrl+move without trap in any direction will do nothing - neither move, neither disarm. So you cant walk and explore with pressed ctrl for safe moving

    All your ideas are good too, but i prefer mine. :p
    OmniNegro and SkyMuffin like this.
  7. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    I have another idea. Make traps that you detected visible over walls that would normally obscure your vision, and leave the walking the way it is now, because to disarm a trap you have to make an effort dedicated to disarming a trap, and you most definitely aren't making that effort if you just stumble onto it.
    If making disarming traps less tedious is what you want, just give us an in-menu option to disable the "do you want to disarm that trap?" dialogue and attempt to disarm everything automatically when we try to pick it up.

    Because with their primary use (that is, punishing people who aren't paying attention to where they are going) being there, there's no point in having traps at all.
  8. SkyMuffin

    SkyMuffin Member

    What if th
    What if we just had a variation on this where traps you'd normally have a 100% chance to disarm are disarmed automatically, but for other traps, movement behaves exactly how it has been? And then maybe we can have the CTRL + Move option as above.
  9. Aquaman

    Aquaman Member

    The point was brought up though that those that only play with the mouse can never actually accidentally stumble on a trap. That kind of defeats the purpose of the trap, no?

    Stealing some of everyone's ideas here and adding some of my own to suggest this:

    None to Low :trap_sense: -> Invisible trap -> detonates when clicked or stepped on, no disarm/avoid chance. I would also suggest making these traps much harder to see. As it is Invisible traps are actually fairly simple to find.

    Medium to High :trap_sense: -> Visible Trap -> Option to disarm when Ctrl clicked or Ctrl "wasd" ||Else -> chance to dodge/avoid depending on :nimbleness:

    If Visible -> High :trap_level: -> automagically disarms the trap when clicked/moved on.

    I also want to suggest that disarming traps would consume a lockpick. Or perhaps add probes to the game to disarm traps (also consumed on use). Shoving your fingers into a potentially deadly device does not seem all that effective if you think about it.
  10. Kazeto

    Kazeto Member

    The way I see it, it would be better to change it in the other way, then, so that people who play with the mouse could hurt themselves on traps too.
    It might be just me, though.

    I do, however, agree that automatic disarming of traps that you can both fully see and disarm with a 100% chance is not that bad idea, gameplay-wise.
  11. Aquaman

    Aquaman Member

    Agreed, that is what I was trying to get at with this.
    But I also feel that once theres a 100% chance of disarming a trap that any option or menu asking you to do it is unnecessary.
  12. I agree with you it would make it impossible to actually step on traps. However I do wish we could open chests and what not with the movement keys.
  13. BDR1985

    BDR1985 Member

    I really like these ideas. Some slight modifications on them that I think would work nicely (or at least that I'd like to play with):

    1. Trap level - :trap_sense: = the number of tiles your :trap_sense: is reduced by in the event of a trap that beats your :trap_sense: score. So if your :trap_sense: is 3 and you encounter a level 5 trap, you will only see it one square away instead of three (as your :trap_sense: has been reduced by 2).

    2. Trap level - ( :trap_sense: + ( :trap_level:/2) = trap line opacity*10/20/etc%. High :trap_sense: guarantees the line is as bold as it is now for 'invisible' traps, but low :trap_sense: will make the lines far harder to see. Any opacity below 100% will disallow mouse avoidance. I think :trap_level: should count for something here just because skill and flavor-wise it goes hand-in-hand with :trap_sense:, but it clearly shouldn't count as much as pure :trap_sense:, so consider the /2 a stand-in value.

    3. If :trap_level: > trap level + 1 and opacity = 100%, automatically disarm the trap when the character moves over the tile (no mouse avoidance necessary here either).
  14. FaxCelestis

    FaxCelestis Will Mod for Digglebucks

    As item sprites (including traps) are indexed instead of in full RGB colorspace, they can't handle opacity.

    I also think you're being too harsh. Requiring an item to disarm a trap? They would have to be amazingly plentiful, considering how plentiful traps are themselves. Modifying :trap_sense: by the trap's level is an interesting idea, but subtracting the trap level from :trap_sense: is way too huge: it would essentially render level 10+ traps completely invisible. Something like :trap_sense: - ($TrapLevel/2) would cause less late-game issues. In fact, you could even make the divisor different for difficulties: EE can use 3, DM can use 2.5, and GR can be 2.
  15. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Hmmmm. Diggle Commando Mines...

    Literally invisible traps. Even with high :trap_sense: they should not be easily seen, and should require a staggeringly high :trap_sense: and :trap_level: to even attempt a disarm, not to mention at least above 0 :sight: to match the theme. But this is probably best for another thread. And it would require a rewrite of the game engine as I understand it.

    Still a nice idea...
  16. What if there were rooms with special flooring that made all traps invisible on the floor leaving it up to you if you really wanted to traverse such a ro9om to get items or whatever or avoid it?
  17. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    I think everyone knows my opinion on traps in games by now, but I'd be more willing to accept nerfing the trap detection and disarming in this game if traps as a whole were dropped down to be weaker than they are.

    Balance in a game should exist perfectly before adding in additional dangers to the game. So, yes, trap detection and Disarming should be weakened, especially via movement, but only after the remaining part of the game is balanced first. It should be the last thing changed.

    One simply does not just add difficulty for the sake of difficulty, after all. :)
    This isn't OmniNegro's version of Dungeons of Dredmor after all. And you all though Slash'Em was hard. :)
    Omni probably wouldn't be happy until the Cyberdemons from Zangband are added. :) "The Cyberdemon fires a rocket. You die."
    OmniNegro likes this.
  18. Mr_Strange

    Mr_Strange Member

    We should make a game in which you are hard-coded to die after a certain number of steps. Like 1. The only way to progress is to hand-edit that file, to allow for a larger number of steps. Making a game that just anybody can play makes me feel less special, you see.
    mining likes this.
  19. DavidB1111

    DavidB1111 Member

    I think Mr. Strange made a good point there.
    now, how about we play his idea of a game in real life? <maniacal Laughter>
  20. OmniaNigrum

    OmniaNigrum Member

    Now now David... Those Cyberdemons could occasionally miss and you may even survive once.

    But at least it is plural. :)