My skill tree... Issues abound.

Discussion in 'Modding' started by William, Dec 24, 2011.

  1. William

    William Member

    So, yeah. Just started modding the game, and doing pretty good IMO, but i cant quite get the third and fourth abilities to work.. and i cant tell why. (I put them at the bottom of skillDB because i dont feel like ctrl-f'ing my way through it.) (and yes, i know its OP. i just started, and didnt really expect to do anything with it.)

    Any help?

    I could also upload the skillDB.txt if need be.

    Attached Files:

  2. Ruigi

    Ruigi Will Mod for Digglebucks

    there is a bug that prevents passive abilities from applying to the character sheet.
    one of the ways to work around it is put the bonuses in a magic buff ability.
  3. William

    William Member

    But the first two abilities are passive, and work just fine.. and i have no idea how to make magic buff abilites. My brain exploded with the stuff i have on there.
  4. ChristmasAsen

    ChristmasAsen Member

    A buff spell should look something like this:

    <spell name="Bush Master" type="self" downtime="1" icon="skills/spells/ghilliesuit32.png" >
    <anim sprite="sprites/sfx/rage/rage" frames="3" framerate="50" sfx="ping" />
    <buff useTimer="0" stacksize="1" allowstacking="1" icon="skills/spells/ghilliesuit64.png" smallicon="skills/spells/ghilliesuit32.png">
    <description text="You're a bush!."/>

    <secondarybuff id="8" amount="3" /> <!-- Counter -->

    <secondarybuff id="9" amount="2" /> <!-- EDR -->

    <secondarybuff id="12" amount="5" /> <!-- Sneakiness -->

    <resistbuff conflagratory="-3" />
    <ai hint="buff" />

    You can find all the id's in the itemDB IIRC.
  5. Null

    Null Will Mod for Digglebucks

    You forgot removeable, just saying any buff with a downside should most definitely have that.
  6. William

    William Member

    well, i edited most of the stuff... and still not working. <.< uploading my (changed) file, and the skillDB...

    All the stuff i put in is on the bottom of skillDB

    Attached Files: