Modding Text.xml

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Color Printer, Jan 11, 2012.

  1. Color Printer

    Color Printer Member

    I'm working on a mod that adds a lot more flavor text to the game, and I've found that mods with text.xml only work partially. Adding architecture names for the names of rooms works, but one thing I've noticed that does not work is ichor, ichor being what the remains of a monster in the message: "The diggle dissolves into a pile of gibs and boogers" (paraphrased), with "gibs" and "boogers" being ichor text.

    Here's an example from my mod:
      <ichor text="bits resembling flesh"/>
      <ichor text="chunky salsa"/>
      <ichor text="thick paste"/>
    Am I doing this right or is this functionality indeed broken right now? I haven't tested other text types, but I know that architecture does work (so does monster insults...I think), but ichor does not.
  2. r_b_bergstrom

    r_b_bergstrom Will Mod for Digglebucks

    It's working fine for me on my Mac. I've got a bunch of this stuff in a mod I'm about to release. The trick is to include a lot of it. The game just appends your content to the end of the original lists, so if your content is sparse, it will rarely trigger. The more you add, the more often you'll see it come up.
  3. Color Printer

    Color Printer Member

    Removed everything in the main file except for "dung" and it only showed "dung". I'll try again, though.
  4. Color Printer

    Color Printer Member

    Sorry for the double post, but I figured it out! Turns out things need to be layed out in the exact order that it is in the base text.xml. Whew! That was driving me nuts.