Modding Question

Discussion in 'Modding' started by ZorkFanDM, Jan 14, 2012.

  1. ZorkFanDM

    ZorkFanDM Member

    I have been developing a mod to add a skillset based mostly around regeneration and physicality with the hopes of making melee a bit more viable in GR. Part of the mod, however, is a new line of crafting based on meats (for reference, the mod is themed after Epic Meal Time). Is it possible to add a new crafting item along the lines of the ingot press, lathe, etc. ? I tried muddling through the xml but it is not clear how the crafting items work.
  2. ChristmasAsen

    ChristmasAsen Member

    Download one of the mods that add crafting skills to the game.
    Look through their XMLs to see how they did it.
  3. Null

    Null Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Actually I'm pretty sure none of them do. So no.
    Euthymios likes this.
  4. Essence

    Essence Will Mod for Digglebucks

    Tried it. Couldn't make it work. Sorry. :(
  5. ZorkFanDM

    ZorkFanDM Member

    Alright. I'll just use the ingot press and try not to make anything too broken.
  6. Samupo

    Samupo Member

    I want to make a crafting branch (or however it is called) for a mod Kino5 and I are developing. I posted in modding request that it will be usefull to make modder able to do this, so feel free to leave a like there to make it happen.